Adsactly literature - Romances of Literature

in literature •  6 years ago 


I'd like to say hello again to my dear friends. One of the most beautiful months of the year welcomes us, the month of love, the month of Saint Valentine and what better than to speak a little about those great loves of the world of literature that have made us dream, live and even cry with their experiences and intense situations filled with passion. Without a doubt, love has been part of an infinite number of literary creations, myths, legends from ancient times to more contemporary works, hidden love stories, tragic, obsessive and even impossible, have formed part of great and successful literary creations that we have enjoyed in time and that have left their mark. So let's enjoy some of them.

What better way than to begin with one of the most famous romances in the history of literature, Romeo and Juliet, by the great William Shakespeare, an impossible love, victim of social and family conditioning, yet despite fighting and forging a way to be together and insisting on their love despite the obstacles, a series of situations led them to a tragic and nefarious outcome. This story focuses mainly on the enmity of two families, the Capulets and Montescos, contemplates a youthful love, overflowing and frenetic but displeased by those around him, leading them to marry secretly and then guide them to the tragic end consequence of confusion and misunderstandings of the lovers.
Loaded with deep words, metaphors, comparisons, this work has entered the hearts of many people, being one of the most famous love stories in the world.

She speaks: O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art

As glorious to this night, being o’er my head
As is a winged messenger of heaven
Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes
Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him
When he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds
And sails upon the bosom of the air.


O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.

This passionate love between Romeo and Juliet, full of drama and passion, shows that the great Shakespeare infused in the same rhetorical figures, giving it a great poetic force and the combination of prose and verse that undoubtedly contribute to intensify the events in it.


Another extraordinary work of universal literature is Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy who tells the story of a woman who renounces her riches, her husband, even her son to have a passionate romance with Count Alexei Wronsky. This story is developed in an urban society, surrounded by vices and sins.

Despite being an elegant, rich and beautiful lady, for her it was not enough, when she met Count Wronsky an intense feeling surfaced in her, developing a passionate romance that blinded her completely to the point of leaving her life behind, however at the beginning, the confused lady avoided accepting the feeling that produced the encounters with him, but the Count when he confessed his love unleashed in her the desire to crystallize the romance. After a pregnancy resulting from her clandestine relationship, the sieges of society, Anna Karenina lived with her lover, giving rise to various situations of jealousy and insecurity that led to suicide.

You haven't promised anything, I'll give you that. But you know it's not your friendship I'm trying to make. You know that the happiness of my whole life is enclosed in that word that you reject: love.

-Love..." she repeated slowly, in a very low voice, as if talking to herself. And then, looking straight at you: "I reject this word because for me it has a much deeper and more serious meaning than you can imagine. Good-bye.

He gave her a quick handshake and got into his car.

Vronski was immensely happy. He kissed the palm of his hand, which had been in contact with Anna's, and went home with the sweet certainty that that day had advanced, more than in all the preceding time, towards the realization of his desire.

This shocking story of love, passion, misfortunes, moral doubts and tragedies, framed in the Russian high society of the moment, has undoubtedly been of great importance and marks a milestone in universal literature although it has been criticized by some not considering it as a love story, there are those who see it from another perspective, the character of Anna Karenina as a woman who felt for the first time the most intense love for a man leaving everything for that feeling with decision and courage.


I must confess that on seeing this beautiful film I felt the need to read the book, there are those who say that it is not the same to see it as to read it, both I liked. "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Greene, tells the story of Hazel and Augustus, two cancer patients who meet in a cancer support group, and develop the greatest and most transparent love.

Hazel Lancaster feeling on the verge of death, connected to an oxygen canister to achieve breathing, managed to catch the vitality of his love overcoming much of the depression caused by treatments and medications, no doubt the love and optimism of the young man shows the true meaning of life.

“I'm in love with you," he said quietly.

"Augustus," I said.

"I am," he said. He was staring at me, and I could see the corners of his eyes crinkling. "I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.”

Dramatic, sad moments of expectation are part of this story where illness rather than being an obstacle is what really drives them to live their adolescent love to the full, live with energy and fulfill their dreams, being one of them Hazel who fervently wants to know his favorite writer and after a trip to Amsterdam with Augustus, manages to fulfill it in spite of adversities.

Undoubtedly this story shows us the ability to dream and want to live to the fullest even in the most difficult circumstances, they in their love and company learned that time is worth a lot and can not be lost by lamenting. A hopeful story, full of love, something tragic and painful but that shows without a doubt the transparency of a youthful love.


One of my favorites is definitely "Pride and Prejudice", a love story by Jane Austen that undoubtedly reflects the purest love and romance between Elizabeth and Lord Darcy. This story is framed in a society that is governed mainly by social behaviors and expectations and where contempt, vanity and pretenses were evident.

Elizabeth Bennet, a beautiful and simple young woman is the second of four sisters, belonging to a modest family but with intentions of emerging through the marriages of their daughters with good prospects, a situation characteristic of the time. Upon the arrival in the county of three characters, Mr. Bingley, his sister Caroline and his friend Mr. Darcy, the story begins to unfold, since Bingley locks his eyes on the older sister of Elizabeth, however the obvious interest of Mr Bennet to crystallize the possible courtship caused some discomfort to visitors who drove them away, the situation gives rise to the interaction between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy where later confrontations, disappointments and feelings of love are manifested.

“There is, I believe, in every disposition a tendency to some particular evil, a natural defect, which not even the best education can overcome." "And your defect is a propensity to hate everybody." "And yours," he replied with a smile, "is wilfully to misunderstand them.”
Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice


"Love in the Time of Cholera" could not fail to be present in this list of great loves of literature, a love story created by the Nobel Prize for Literature winner, Gabriel García Marquez and published in 1985.

While still very young the protagonists of the story, Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza fall in love intensely, but circumstances lead the young lady to marry a doctor, rich man and good social position, Dr. Juvenal Urbino, who in history has brought medicine to Cartagena, thereby reducing the epidemics of cholera that at the time besieged the city.

Fermina goes to Paris with her husband settling there for many years, despite such a situation and the deep sadness of Florentino, his love for his beloved remains intact over the years, even with small romances in his life, more than 600 approximately, but these were not enough to subtract the pure feeling towards his Fermina.

More than fifty years since the time she first confessed her love have passed, it is then that she boldly makes an act of presence at the funeral of the husband of her eternal love to do so once again.

“It was the time when they loved each other best, without hurry or excess, when both were most conscious of and grateful for their incredible victories over adversity. Life would still present them with other mortal trails, of course, but that no longer mattered: they were on the other shore. ”
― Gabriel García Márquez, Love in the Time of Cholera
Undoubtedly this beautiful story that Marquez gives us focuses on the perseverance of a frustrated love with a touching and realistic theme, a man whose hope gave him the strength to wait for who for him was his true love. Time, old age, fidelity, love, death, universal themes that prevail in this story, but the alliance between love and time, make this beautiful work possible.


These stories and beautiful letters loaded with feelings of all kinds, no doubt have reached our hearts, they give us the thousand faces of love in all its forms, types or conceptions, frustrated love, tragic, sensual, reciprocal among others. We have lived and cried for what the characters live, feeling their sufferings and enjoying their joys. These impeccable stories always take the example of reality, they are considered treasures with the best ink, the one that lasts in time.

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quotes "Romeo and Juliet"
quotes "Anna Karenina"
quotes "Under the same Star"
quotes de "Pride and Prejudice"
quotes "Love in the Time of Colera"

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The right time to tell romantic stories and literature close to valentine day. All about love really makes us able to be lulled in the swing of love. We can see that Romeo and Juliet are involved in intimate relationships, which of course there are always obstacles from their environment. because love is not just a gift but something that must be fought for. needing sacrifice of feeling, tears and wounds that might be very heartbreaking. For those of us who witness or read the story, it will certainly be very exciting in the plot told.
Likewise, the romantic stories that are presented by others, all appear to be about love and sacrifice. There is a passion that jolts in the love story interspersed with uncertain feelings. We can imagine this when we first meet our parents, then promise to stand by each other. Suddenly the situation becomes impossible because there are many factors such as parents, status, or culture. All will be very colorful life stories and make one very interesting note.
Thank you @adsactly for sharing this story.
Warm regard from Indonesia

Literature is full of examples of famous and universal loves. Perhaps the case of Romeo and Juliet is one of the best known. Personally, I prefer stories of truncated, impossible loves, of those in which the protagonists struggle to be together, but still cannot be happy. I remember that when I was a child I read two novels considered by critics to be romantic, María de Jorge Isaac and Marianela by Benito Pérez Galdós, which left a deep feeling about love. In these two novels, although love is the fundamental thread of the story, love is not triumphant but, on the contrary, is defeated by reality. Thank you for sharing this post, @luces!

For your post you chose some certainly fundamental stories in love literature (I would prefer not to call it "romantic", as I tried to argue in my posts published here before). Couple love, subjected to the most dissimilar incidences (personality of the participants, family relationships, historical circumstances, etc.), will always be a productive matter for literature. In the works you present to us this is the case. Thank you for your post. Greetings.

congratulations good content

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@adsactly, love is an abstract thing we cannot see or explain how the form of love is but love is the most powerful thing among other abstract feelings.

I confess my predilection for stories of unfortunate loves. As literary stories they have the advantage of offering opportunities for intense emotions (which always accompany love: jealousy, anger, selfishness, pride...) and offer opportunities to reflect on the condition of our souls. And I see in the post that, somehow, the stories reviewed confirm that great love stories are accompanied by doses (sometimes quite large) of bad fortune. Hate in the case of "Romeo and Juliet"; social restrictions in the case of "Pride and Prejudice" and "Ana Karenina"; illness in the case of "The Fault in Our Stars"; or society and time in the case of "Love in the Times of Cholera". They are all memorable love stories, but they are also all stories that go beyond the center of love as the theme of the story and elevate it to the theme of men's lives (our lives).
Thank you, @adsactly, for sharing these reflections. I have enjoyed it.

Love stories and life stories. Reading your selection, I realize that literature through time set a pattern that many modern writers now try to imitate, but that essence of the classics is unparalleled. There is a reason why they remain in the memory and have touched the sensibility of those of us who have read them. Thank you @adsactly for sharing this space.