The 25th of January is Tatiana's Day in Russia. And "The Student's Day" - holiday for all students.
In England it is Virginia Woolf's birthday.
**In Scotland today it is Robert Burn's birthday, the national holiday that is called "Burns Night "(in Scottish Burns Nicht)
Scotland has been torn apart for centuries by religion and internal politics,coveted by a richer and more powerful neighbour and wooed and punished for 400 years as the vital partner in the power struggles between England, France and Spain. Scotland has risen and fallen through the ages, acquiring romance from tragedy, producing
genius out of poverty and demonstrating exeptional spirit.
Robert Burns is the bright example of Scottish diamond. Talented, spiritually strong, witty, intellegent, kind, heartful.
Scots, English and Gaelic – three main languages of Scottish literature. But Burns created Scottish romantic poetry and Robert Burns began to populize his native languge and struggled for it!!! Burns could show the beauty of his languge and beauty and diversity of Scotland. He was a man of his time. He was a visionary. His works ranged from love
lyrics to savage satire (Holy Willie’s Prayer), nationalism to radicalideals (A Man’s a Man for a’ That).Because of this Robert Burns is the country’s most praised literary figure.**
*What is "Burns Night"?
Scotland celebrates the birth of its national poet with readings and “Burns Suppers”. "Burns supper" it is traditional food
- haggis, potatoes, turnips and ... whisky are on the table!*
Burns wrote a brilliant poem - dedication to haggis. Here some lines of "Ode to Haggis":
"You powers, who make mankind your care,
And dish them out their bill of fare,
Old Scotland wants no watery stuff,
That splashes in small wooden dishes;
But if you wish her grateful prayer,
Give her [Scotland] a Haggis!"
"Ye pow’rs wha mak mankind your care,
An’ dish them out their bill o’fare,
Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware
That jaups in luggies;
But, if ye wish her gratefu’ pray’r,
Gie her a Haggis!"
Russian translator and poet Samuel Marshak made a great translation, he could save the Burns' spirit and love to Haggis)))
The first supper dedicated to Robert Burns was held in memoriam at his house Burns Cottage by Burns's friends, on 21 July 1801, the fifth anniversary of his death. But in several years this event was moved to winter day of 25th of January, poet's birthday. it has been a regular event ever since. And it's really national event!