in literature •  6 years ago  (edited)


He is an innovative intellectual who is the founder of Ahval newspaper.This innovative Intellectual,written in a bowl to Mustafa Reşit Paşa,the organizer of the Tanzimat edict,praised the concepts of wisdom,science, imagination and equality in poetry.(Büyük Resit Pasha Kasidesi)

Şinasi,who knows Arabic and Persian and works with very important intellectuals in France,has also organized the Proverbs in the language of the people in Turkey.(Durab-I precedent-I osmaniye).Later,he published a newspaper called depicting-I efkar and handed over the newspaper to his close friend Namık Kemal.

Shinasi is the first author to use the words of mind, civilization,cumhur,free and Law.(Translator-I Ahval mahdatesi).He is also the first author to initiate a tradition of writing in order to express his thoughts,not to make art.

Under the influence of classicism,the writer managed to have the first Theatre game as a result of long struggles.(Marriage Of Poet)


2.NAMIK KEMAL(1840-1888)

Namik Kemal,known as the poet of the motherland of tanzimat literature, learned Arabic and Persian at an early age, and French after meeting Şinasi.Hürriyet Kasidesi,Motherland poems, especially the period of young poets have influenced quite.He has produced many works in the fields of novels,theatre,articles,history,poetry,letters, etc.He wrote the first literary novel Intibah under the influence of romanticism and Cezmi, the first historical novel in our literature.There are also reviews of Ernest Renan's views in Renan Müdafaanamesin;Les Prizons Muahezenamesi and Ifan Pasha.

Namik Kemal loves Theatre and cares very much.His first work,which he considered as a very useful entertainment, was included in our literature as Homeland or Silistre, the work of the first Western Theater.Other plays of the author are Akif Bey,poor child,Kara Bela,Gulnihal and Celaleddin Harzemshah.


3.ZİYA PAŞA(1825-1880)

Şinasi and Namık Kemal are among the founders of the Tanzimat literature.He criticizes the administrative system together with the society in his works named adibib-I bent ,prefer-I bent.Namik Kemal published the newspaper Hurriyet together, and in his article poetry and construction, the Turkish poetry should be based on folk poetry by specifying the great appreciation collected.The author, Ali Pasha's anger in the Book of the first interview in the Book of the criticism of the dream has earned the sample of our literature.



The author,who was a veteran,who had released tercuman-I Haikat, had a long-standing debate with Servetifuncuyla in his article, which he criticised using a heavy language called dekadanlar.

In his work with Felatun Bey and rakım Efendi,Felatun Bey represents the Eastern culture of the west and Rakım Efendi.It is one of the best and most vocal works of the author.

In his book mushahedat, a naturalist attitude was a heavy one.In addition,Ahmet mithat Efendi is the owner of the first stories in the wahmet-mithat-efendi-71938d.jpgestern sense;Letaif-, rumor,such as share from the story...

5.ŞEMSETTİN SAMİ(1850-1904)

The first Turkish novel Taşşuk-I Talat and Fitnat,the first Turkish Encyclopedia Kaamus-I Alam and the first Turkish dictionary in modern sense, are the authors of kaamus-I türkü.The author also translated the Orhun monuments and Kutadgu Bilig.

The writer who published the newspaper Sabah,translated the works of miseries and Robensoin Crusoe into Turkish.Give and Sayyid Yahya have my games.


6.ALİ SUAVİ(1838-1878)

Known as a journalist,the informant has published a newspaper.He fled to France on the closure of his newspaper and continued his acts there.Ziya Paşa and Namık Kemal's support after the publication of the newspaper has ended.There is also an Encyclopaedia called kamus-I ulum.



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very good

thank you