Progress LFTL #2steemCreated with Sketch.

in littlefreetoylibrary •  6 years ago 

Not much to update, but that's cuz I caught a cold. Been trying to take it easy and hope it passes soon.

We did visit city hall and asked them how we could make this happen without breaking any laws or what have you.

The answer was meant to discourage us, i'm sure. because they basically said, sorry, any structure has to be behind a fence and a certain number of feet from other structures.

Most people don't have the clearance in their front yards to be within the code.

Luckily for us, we have a large property and the end farthest from the house has a large grassy area and we already have a fence.

At the moment, there's a new house being built directly next to this spot, so we'll have to wait a few months until the construction is done and there's a fence put up between our properties.

We plan on lowering the fence that faces the sidewalk, as it's a 6 footer at the moment, and we'll put a rolling gate on it so we can open the LFTL in the morning for people and keep it safe at night. 😊

So, I have a few months to work through all the toys we're starting with. Fix them, sort them etc..

We hope to gather enough free wood and supplies from around town to build a structure for basically free. I think it's doable.

I also went looking on Facebook for my local "Buy Nothing" group, cuz that's a great way to find supplies we might need and I can give away any excess toys that might not fit in the library. But I couldn't find one for my town! Lots for the next few towns over, but nothing specifically for our town.

So I volunteered to admin one. 😁😊
If they accept my application I'll start training for that next month.

I did find the next day there is one buy nothing group that our town got lumped into, but it covers a wide area, too wide. Buy nothing is supposed to be hyper local. People don't want to drive 30 minutes usually for free stuff. Hopefully they'll let me break off into a group just for this town. It's definitely needed.

I'm finding myself moving through the world with much more confidence now. I see the collapse coming and the transition already happening. That's exciting. I'm ready to put on my captain's hat and row row row this boat to a saner shore.

I hope you'll follow me on this journey, you'll only find it here on steem! They'd just censor good stuff like this on Facebook anyway. They know the tide is shifting... lol

Love and light friends! Thanks for reading. 💗💗

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That all sounds great! We have freecycle or freegle here, I've used it in the past to get rid of things that are perfectly good and useful to someone, just not me. But I like the whole neighbourhood basis of things. I need to get more into that. Look forward to the next instalment. On steem, of course :)

Also check Freecycle, and the free stuff listings on Craigslist, and NextDoor, for supplies! Good luck! <3