The problem here is that the society we are in doesn't care about the poor. That is why the saying goes "the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer" the reason is because the rich are rubbing the poor. But they are not to blame. It has been written "He that does not have, even the little he has shall be taken away from him" remembers the parable of the 10 talent told by our "Lord Jesus Christ" so let your light so shine so that it will not go off at the approach of darkness. Be sober, be vigilant because the adversary the devil worketh about seecking whom to devour. You must make hay while the sun shine because night commet and no man works. So, if you are standing on the lane of riches, you must be watchful so that you do not fall.
RE: A Message of Generosity to All!
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A Message of Generosity to All!