life of islam

in live •  7 years ago  (edited)

A married young man called his wife to death in a grave illness, and his eyes were tears of repentance. The wife's wife was pregnant, and this is her first child!
He said to the wife: Look, I did not pray fast throughout my life. Today the mistake has broken in the time of death, but I have not had the opportunity to do anything else without any hesitation. If the child of your womb lives, if you are older, then you should admit him in the madrasa.
The wife asked him calmly, keep your words!
Two days later, the young man died. After a few days his wife had a son, in a lot of trouble, when the child was six years old, his mother admitted him to madrasa!
On the first day the teacher taught him a verse in Madrasa.
The verse is: 'Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!
(Beginning in the name of Allah Almighty, the Most Merciful!)
After going to madrasa home, the wife went to her husband's grave with her husband!
He sent his son to the tomb and said, 'It is your father's grave. Go there and pray to God for your father!'
(The madrasa children often read the verses or the words taught by them almost always)
How little little children have to pray, nothing knows. But the first verse of life taught in the madrasas repeatedly recited in front of the grave.
The power of reciting that little face, I reached the Allahabad Darbar without any obstacle. The call of the bamboo tidal tide arrived in the river of Mercy!
Allah Almighty is the angel of Azab
He said, stop at the grave of the cemetery at the moment!
The angels said, "What kind of virtue was found in this man's bureaucracy?"
Is it difficult for him to forgive a difficult grave?
Hear the angels:
A miserable child recites repeatedly on the grave, "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim"!
The heirs of the cemetery recited, his foolish child. So Allah Rahman Rahim witnesses!
-God is the Most Merciful.
If I do not forgive the cemeteries, then how am I to be kind?
May Allah give us the power to understand and act ...
Make more prayers for your parents.Screenshot_2.jpg

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