Enjoy a Morning of exotic island Nest in Sabang (Nikmati Pagi eksotis di Gua Sarang Pulau Sabang)

in live •  6 years ago 


If you are planning or are on vacation in the town of Sabang, Aceh province and want to enjoy the morning, it's good to take yourself to the cave nest. This cave is located at the foot of cliffs and rolling hills protected forest Weh Island overhanging to the sea of blue.

Although unlike Cave Dau Go in Viet Nam, Ha Long Bay, which can be traced to the tourists, seven caves which housed bersarangnya swallow and they live on the island of Weh it can still be a complement to your tourist destinations.

How much does, you are treated to the charms of scars the walls of rock cave that stands firmly at the foot of the cliffs and hills of lush forests and crystal clear water of the Sea Islands of the Archipelago's Western most tip bordering the Indian Ocean it is.

Domestic and foreign tourists who want to go to the cave of the nest, they are advised to rent a motorbike from local citizens upon arrival at the port of Balohan because the city has no public transportation system, such as transportation and taxis.

good local citizens as well as foreign and domestic tourists generally drape their mobility during your stay in Sabang on private vehicles, car and motorbike, tourist bus, a motor rickshaw driver or service.

Of the five types of the mode of transportation, motorcycle rental is the best option if you make a visit to the city which is about 15 kilometers from the port of Ulee Lheue, Banda Aceh was a self or a maximum of two.

With rent ranging from Rp 100,000 to Rp 80,000 per 24 hours of usage, you can already browse the various city-owned tourist destinations with vast area reaching 153 square kilometers, including the Grotto hive, without difficulty.

To reach the post purchase entrance tickets visitors Cave Nest, it takes about an hour from the port of Balohan by motorcycle toward the Gampong (Kampung) Iboih Sukakarya, district.

Upon arrival at an intersection about three kilometers before the intersection of two arch Iboih Village, there are Board directions to Cave Nest on the right side end of the road that guides tourists to turn left.

Along the way a dozen kilometres from the town of Sabang port of Balohan Crossings or to Nest, you are treated to the natural landscape of mountains, a stretch of blue sea, economic activity, and residents of a village.

The fresh air of the mountains accompany your journey. But the high vigilance required during a drive through the paved streets that 99 percent of his condition is smooth because few holes and cracks.

Although equipped with safety, concrete road markers, as well as the directions of the Board and the Board adequate warning, condition of the road in the direction of the cave as well as Nest Iboih and Indonesia kilometre zero monument filled with terrain climbing and descending.

Bend-sharp turns, the deep gorges, and the threat of a landslide cliff on one side of the road into the challenges the rider so the speed settings and vehicle brakes good condition needed.

Upon arrival at the t-junction equipped small Board inscribed with the direction of the cave Nest, turn right travel trace paved roads smooth enough by crossing the junction the entrance area of The Resort complex front and Later the TNI AD Company Balek mountain.

Along the way to the post of motor vehicle parking levy visitors Cave Lair, the atmosphere of the streets were empty because there is not a lot of people and vehicles passing by but that condition could not make a pusillanimous because security Sabang conducive.

It's just that, prudence still needed on the road to this exotic tourist attractions. For example, there is a fairly large-sized wild monitors are often passed on a paved road which is on the left side and right side grow trees protected forest.

Jika Anda berencana atau sedang berlibur di Kota Sabang, Provinsi Aceh dan ingin menikmati pagi, ada baiknya untuk menyempatkan diri ke Gua Sarang. Gua ini terletak di kaki tebing dan perbukitan hutan lindung Pulau Weh yang menjorok ke laut biru.

Walau tak seperti Gua Dau Go di Teluk Ha Long, Vietnam, yang dapat ditelusuri para wisatawan, tujuh gua yang menjadi tempat bersarangnya burung walet dan kalong di Pulau Weh itu tetap dapat menjadi pelengkap destinasi wisata Anda.

Betapa tidak, Anda disuguhi pesona guratan dinding-dinding gua batu yang berdiri kokoh di kaki tebing dan perbukitan hutan lebat serta jernihnya air laut pulau paling ujung barat Nusantara yang berbatasan langsung dengan Samudera Hindia itu.

Bagi wisatawan domestik dan mancanegara yang ingin ke Gua Sarang ini, mereka disarankan untuk menyewa sepeda motor dari warga setempat setibanya di Pelabuhan Balohan karena kota ini tidak memiliki sistem transportasi umum, seperti angkutan kota dan taksi.

baik warga setempat maupun turis domestik dan mancanegara umumnya menggantungkan mobilitas mereka selama berada di Sabang pada kendaraan pribadi, mobil dan sepeda motor sewaan, bus pariwisata, atau jasa pengemudi becak bermotor.

Dari kelima jenis moda transportasi tersebut, penyewaan sepeda motor merupakan pilihan terbaik jika Anda melakukan kunjungan ke kota yang berjarak sekitar 15 kilometer dari Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue, Banda Aceh itu seorang diri atau maksimal berdua.

Dengan uang sewa berkisar Rp 80.000 sampai Rp 100.000 per 24 jam pemakaian, Anda sudah dapat menelusuri berbagai destinasi wisata yang dimiliki kota dengan luas kawasan mencapai 153 kilometer persegi ini, termasuk Gua Sarang, tanpa kesulitan yang berarti.

Untuk mencapai pos pembelian karcis masuk pengunjung Gua Sarang, dibutuhkan waktu sekitar satu jam dari Pelabuhan Balohan dengan sepeda motor ke arah Gampong (Kampung) Iboih, Kecamatan Sukakarya.

Setibanya di sebuah pertigaan sekitar tiga kilometer sebelum simpang dua gapura Desa Wisata Iboih, ada papan petunjuk arah ke Gua Sarang di sisi kanan ujung jalan yang memandu wisatawan untuk berbelok ke kiri.

Di sepanjang perjalanan belasan kilometer dari Kota Sabang atau Pelabuhan Penyeberangan Balohan menuju Gua Sarang itu, Anda disuguhi pemandangan alam pegunungan, hamparan laut biru, aktivitas ekonomi warga, dan perkampungan penduduk.

Udara segar pegunungan menemani perjalanan Anda. Namun kewaspadaan tinggi diperlukan selama berkendara melintasi jalan-jalan beraspal yang 99 persen kondisinya mulus karena hanya sedikit yang berlubang dan retak.

Kendati dilengkapi marka jalan, beton pengaman, serta papan petunjuk arah dan papan peringatan yang memadai, kondisi jalan ke arah Gua Sarang maupun Iboih dan tugu Kilometer Nol Indonesia penuh dengan medan mendaki dan menurun.

Tikungan-tikungan tajam, jurang-jurang yang dalam, dan ancaman longsor tebing di salah satu sisi jalan menjadi tantangan para pengendara sehingga pengaturan kecepatan dan kondisi baik rem kendaraan diperlukan.

Setibanya di pertigaan yang dilengkapi papan kecil bertuliskan arah Gua Sarang, perjalanan berbelok ke kanan menelusuri jalan beraspal cukup mulus dengan melintasi simpang jalan masuk area The Pade Resort dan depan kompleks TNI AD Kompi Balek Gunung.

Di sepanjang perjalanan menuju pos retribusi parkir kendaraan bermotor pengunjung Gua Sarang, suasana jalan lengang karena tak banyak orang dan kendaraan yang lalu lalang namun kondisi itu tak membuat kecut hati karena keamanan Sabang kondusif.

Hanya saja, kehati-hatian tetap diperlukan di jalan menuju tempat wisata eksotis ini. Misalnya saja ada seekor biawak liar berukuran cukup besar kerap melintas di jalan beraspal yang di sisi kiri dan kanannya tumbuh pepohonan hutan lindung.

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