Facebook Has Banned Me. What Now?

in live •  6 years ago  (edited)

I can't believe this has happened.

Facebook have blocked me from going live.

In fact, I've found out recently that a lot of "alternative" pages have been shut down. I'm guessing that there's an algorithm censoring people that talk about certain subjects, and it's entirely possible that something much bigger is brewing.

I don't think they're going to stop coming after people. It's time for me to find an alternative.

Check out the video and drop a comment below, because I'd really appreciate hearing from you. What other platforms do you use? Where should I be speaking out?

It's time for a change! Hope you're coming with me!


P.S. We're going to be hosting the next Infinite Man Summit soon! It's been a life changing event for attendees three years running, and we're working hard to make this one better than ever. I hope to see you there.

Check out the Infinite Man YouTube Channel for more content, and join our FREE Mastermind Group on Facebook if you want to connect and grow with thousands of people that are taking the steps towards a better life.

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Fuck face book. It is good to see you using D tube. I think vimm is the new live thing taking D lives place.

If you want to fight Facebook censorship join the Class Action against the Crypto Ad Ban. https://www.jpbliberty.com/class-member-signup
This was the first act of mass censorship and by fighting this we protect internet freedom and can recover losses from Crypto market drops.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Imho, you should do what everyone needed to do a very long time ago. Years ago, when the first word about spying and privacy violations arised. The only reason I'm still on there is to reach out to the ones who I care about which still aren't anywhere else, for FREE.

Its much bigger than just facebook and youtube ...the isp's are as big if not a bigger problem when it comes to privacy and throtteling the internet... And there is a simple solution to the problem. The meshnet.... I have made a map with the active meshnet nodes .here https://steemit.com/internet/@thelifeofbrian/active-meshnet-nodes-ploted-on-google-maps
Everyone should have a node setup and join the free secure internet and help it grow.. Sorry for any typos on my phone and no glasses on lol

You will also find all the info on meshnets you need to get up to speed on my blog

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

There is no need to build another solution when you are on one right now. The solutions have already been made, they will improve and new ones will come to be but here,you will never be censored.

Unless a whale flaggs you but even then, the community will most likelyjump in to correct them with their upvotes if the flag was unjustified.

Np, lol. My typos are because English is not my native language and they are really not typos hahaha but what can I do..

The meshnet is a private secure decentralised innernet ..its not a platform ..its the only solution to dealing with internet service providers ..get rid of them ..why pay them bilions of dollars a year whem it is free on the meshnet..and would stop them from spying on everyone also.. A free internet would be nice
.no monthly bill

I've got it all wrong then. That actually sounds like a great solution to the never-ending oppression which will only get stronger as time moves one.

Many groups and projects are underway ..I love the skycoin skywire project .. One of my favorites underway right now ..i have restreemed 2 posts on the skycoins project on my blog over the last week or so ..the fellow did a great write up on the project

That is awesome.

It's why I'm here. You can thank FB later.

Highly rEsteemed!


There is always another solution...Dtube?

Just make more and more and more videos... this how we white back :)
And we can play a long game also.

Facebook is a waste of time and space. We need to build on the decentralised platforms this is the future. Facebook is a government project supporting the regime of this world. The hundredth monkey is stirring my friend and its blooming amazing 💯🐒

I hate to be someone who self-promotes in a comment, but if you have access to any of your account, I suggest downloading everything so it is backed up for the inevitable banhammer.

As for alternatives to the legacy internet, I know Namecoin tried to replace the usual DNS registry with a crypto blockchain, and BipCoin floated the idea of such development as well. As far as I know, both are now defunct, but there is room for a new mesh web and blockchain DNS alternative to grow as crypto becomes more mainstream.