Live A Little More

in livelove •  7 years ago  (edited)
A very dear friend of mine once told me:

Burn the candles,
Use the nice sheets,
Wear the fancy lingerie.
Don't save them for special occasions.
Because everyday lived is special.

What she said has indeed changed my life a little.

Seasons, reasons, they don't matter.
Don't hold back.
All these occasions come and go.
Don't be so uptight.

Turn up the stereo, sing aloud,
Let the rhythm take control.
Buy a flower, flash your smile.
Give a little love through these simple ways.

And lastly I wanna quote one of my favorite bible verses.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Rejoice always,
Pray without ceasing,
In everything give thanks;
For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Just wanna end my email cooler so I created my own banner 😂_
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