Life Is Weird: The Bird That Echoes Human Endeavours | Pt. 1

in living-recordbox •  7 years ago  (edited)

The Lyrebird is somewhat of a freak of nature that I still can't believe actually exists, but it seems to be real^^

It sounds like the description out of a sci-fi movie: Here's a bird that can mimick any and all sounds of his environment with eerie accuracy in an allegedly non-conscious manner. Not only that but wherever lyrebirds are recorded by human electronics we get to hear a freestyle reinterpretation of what sort of activities had happened in the forest prior, innovatively mixed together live on the spot to allegedly impress the other sex...

What a mission dude! And what a delivery!


Timetravelling through a living sound archive

The Lyrebird's accuracy in sound reproduction is quite stunning to the human mind. As human beings we have neither the tools nor the skills to mimick the sounds in our environment without the help of recording equipment and some playback system, especially sounds of a non-human origin.

Lyrebirds on the other hand can often be heard making the sound of other birds in the forest, but also things like car alarms, woodwork tools, or construction site commotion.

To this day, I find this bird both mindblowing and utterly improbable, yet we have a whole array of different recordings on the internet filming the lyrebird in various locations and yet the sound reproduction depth seems to remain constant.

If anyone of you has ever seen a Lyrebird out in the open would you please drop a comment and share your experience? Can it do hiphop beats, a chinese lawyer or a hundred raindrops on a pond?

What would happen if a soundstudio were to have a lyrebird listen in on their latest sound productions? And what sort of discernment does the bird use to pick out sounds from his repertoire? Is hearing a sound once enough to be able to repeat it forever? Could a lyrebird be used to solve crimes? Is there ever a moment of too much input for the bird to memorize the sounds like in a stadium filled with people and human noises?


So many questions, and since I never can get over how amazing this bird is it is my pleasure to share its oddity with you today just in case you weren't aware of its existence.

If you have never seen (heard) the Lyrebird in action, you really are in for a true WTF-moment, enjoy <3

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Life is weird ;)

Thanks for stopping by <3

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This is freakin amazing!!! Why do I not know everything about this bird or at least anything ;) Thank you for posting this!! :)

Oh you sound nerd, I knew this would be your thing^^
That's right, spent more than a decade in education facilities and nobody has ever heard of this thing.
I still can't believe it myself ahahahaha.

cool bird for sure

If I imagine it living on a permafarm with me in the future it would make for so many hilarious moments. Re-recording the bird and putting it into tracks ahahah. I still can't quite believe this thing exists, but it looks rather probable right?
I still marvel at the woodcutter crew. He manages to simply scope the sound like a mixed down track, including all the twigs, leaf rattles and speed of the chainsaw. I will never get over it ahahaha.

Haha well if nothing else you could get some interesting recordings of the bird.

There are quite a few species that can mimic sounds but some do it more readily than others.

Yes I have the feeling some animals are inching closer towards full-fledged speech. It was always assumed of species that can mimick talking that it was just about the sound for them. But some of the more famous ones have been shown to speak with intent and situational awareness.

Guess that's I love about the Lyrebird: it seems so neutral, processing any sound it hears without judgment or ego complexes. God I would love to hear this bird live ahahaha. And record it, as you said <3