Living Saints Among Us Miracles Of A Living Saint St Brigid Of Ireland

Thumbnail image - St Brigid of Ireland Kildare Orthodoxwiki.jpg

Living Saints AMONG Us – MIRACLES of a LIVING SAINT. St. BRIGID of Ireland, 56h Century.
— St. BRIGID of Ireland – MIRACLES of a LIVING SAINT ( 453 AD)
St. Brigid was a disciple of St. Patrick of Ireland. She was tonsured as a nun at an eaarly age and at 28 years of age established a Convent and a Monastery in Kildare, Ireland.
St. Brigid was a strong “LIVING SAINT” who performed many MIRACLES through her Faith in CHRIST andGglorified GOD as one of HIS Saints.
She is venerated in the Orthodox and Catholic Churches on her Feast day of February 1st.

  1. Brigid of Kildare, Orthodox Wiki
  2. Brigid of Kildare – Wikipedia (Images Public domain)
  3. St. Brigid’s Well – Wikipedia (Images Public Domain)
  4. Wikimedia commons images of St. Brigid of Kildare Ireland (Thumbnail image by by Wolfgang
    Sauber )
  5. St. Brigid of Ireland
  6. Music: Youtube Audio Library
    “Wedding Invitation” By Jason Farnham
  7. Thumbnail image – St Brigid’s Well, Killare, 001L, Wikimedia commons images,

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