Tears love
Said the ocean of stars in front of her eyes
She cannot see her own reflection, whispered the storm
To see yourself you only need look
A hummingbird said near to her heart
Feel the river in your heart
Let not what you are fall apart like driftwood
You can only be you so accept it
From the darkness is born light
Fear it not for it is part of you
There is no evil only false destinations
Dissolve the clay of the system so it cannot bind you
Rules are chains
Immoral rules are banishment from heaven
Break the chains of immoral behaviour to enter paradise
You’re alive are you not, then you must matter, make it sow
Without the courage to change there is no future for us
The earth will carry on regardless
She may be your mother but she is no fool
To exist is the greatest gift direct from god
Lucy Marie Maund – #lmmaund