Free Ryan Lochte!

in lochte •  9 years ago  (edited)


I just knew something was fishy about Ryan Lochte’s recant.

Turns out, YES, he was robbed–or more accurately, shaken down–by the mafioso posing as police in Brazil.

I knew it!

And no, according to police reports, he didn’t vandalize anything.

So why did he recant?

Because his experience contradicted the ultra-national, corpo-fascist narrative–namely, that the Olympics are some sort of divine, religious rite. For an Olympian to suggest the reality that Brazil is a corrupt, socialist, banana-republic is blasphemy to the religion of the Olympiads. It is improbable that Lochte has any skills that could elicit the remunerations he garners as a swimmer. Unfortunately for him, he has only one possible employer: the ultra-national, corpo-fascist, Olympic bureaucracy. The high priests forced him to recant…to prostrate himself and affirm his subservience to the Olympic religion, “I lied. Brazil is a socialist paradise!” If he refused to do this, he would be broken on the rack of financial ruin.

Some of us proles actually can formulate a thought without Matt Lauer spoon-feeding it to us. We support you, Ryan.

Free Lochte!

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No. He is a whinny, entitled, though talented swimmer who lacks awareness of anything other than his own self-interest. Brazil is no paradise. But if you think it's a socialist country, you are a fool. Corrupt, yes. Tell me one country on the planet that isn't run by a corrupt government...

There is an organized effort by the Olympic committee to suppress reports that paint Brazil's state-sponsored athletic boondoggle in anything less than a Utopian light. They achieve this by threatening to deny access which would result in a loss of ad revenue. Lochte had the misfortune of being shaken down by police, then had the foresight to get the hell out of there before the authorities could hold him hostage and blackmail him. Unfortunately, his sponsors, fearing a loss of Olympic marketing access, were forced to punish him for painting Brazil in a bad light.