Bye #Crooked #Hillary, [-21] and mysterious tests. Can you solve? #SB2

in lockherup •  6 years ago 


Today, we are solving the Q riddle made of the mysterious tests and the -21 countdown in Q2898-Q2912.


Img1 First, let’s notice how Q hinted at the range of this riddle by signing it with the number 17: unlike the other exclusive tests like Q2905 or Q2907, since Q2906 is a test and also a message drop, the riddle is made of 1+7 tests and 1+7 message drops. Coincidence? This is how we know Q excluded Q2897 and Q2913 from the riddle.

Second, we notice Test 11 and Test 12 have the same timestamp: 00:03:22. How is that possible? What is Q saying here? We’ll get back to it.

Img2 For now, let’s take a closer look at Q2912, the last drop of the riddle. It connects to 2 tweets from the Maestro respectively posted at 8:19 AM and 8:26 AM. The 8:19 AM tweet has this mysterious and uncorrected “BYE CROOKED HILLARY” and connects to Q819 where we read: TRUMP warns the world of “Very Unfortunate Phase 2” if North Korean Sanctions Fail. Then Q insists about Phase 2, about the fact there are no coincidences and that we should expand our thinking. What is Phase 2? What was Phase 1? Are we in context? Are we pointing to the right Q drops? The Maestro knew we would be in doubt at this point. This is why the next tweet brings in Q826: “COMMS GOOD. Nice try”. Cool, we are not in a crazy Fast Train, we are on track… Let’s continue our quest and make it rain! ;)

Img3 To gather more clues, let’s analyze the 8 mysterious tests. As you can see, Q makes tests from Test 3 to Test 12 but skips some numbers and switches others. A natural reaction would be to list the skipped numbers, which are 1,2,4 and 9 and perhaps go to Q1249 to see what happens. By doing so, we find a connection to NK through the Red Cross. This information confirms the NK context found earlier but how do we know if Q1294, Q2149 and any other eligible permutation of 1,2,4,9 is part of the targeted information? This approach does not resolve this question and fails to take into account other parameters of the riddle like for example the occurrence of the word “Test”.

To make sure we are solving the riddle correctly, let’s list all the constraints that should be taken into account. They can be found here: Img4 This list can be used at the end to crosscheck.

With that in mind, we have to find a more solid and systematic approach to extract the information Q wants us to know. Img5 Let’s write the tests in their order of appearance and let’s naturally fill the number gaps between consecutive tests. For example, between 3 and 5, 4 should have been there and between 12 and 10, 11 should have been there. This way, we extract 6 numbers in this order: 1,2,4,9,10 and 11. Img6 Let’s do a search with the word Test in the best search engine of the Internet. We find 126 results. Now let’s identify among these results all the Q drops using a subset of these 6 numbers in the identified order. To do this smartly, we can first eliminate all the drops with occurrences of the numbers 3,5,6,7 and 8. We find there are only Q=17 drops using the numbers 1,2,4,9,10 and 11. Coincidence? Notice how Q2909 comes twice for Test 11 and Test 12. Among these 17 Q drops, only 8 of them are in compliance with the reading orientation: 411, 1004, 1011, 1124, 1929, 2029, 2909, 2911.

Next? We gather the pieces of the puzzle by decoding the compliant drops individually.


You caught this is where Q started his Q Team Directory. Img7 It’s part of a thread ranging from Q410 to Q424 where Q wants to make his tripcode work on multiple devices and succeeds.

By pulling in Q411 and the fact that multiple devices are using the same tripcode, Q is subtly debunking the recent outlandish rumor that he is Michael Anton. With Test 11 and Test 12 using different IDs, sharing the same timestamp 00:03:22 and the same tripcode, Q is not only slamming this rumor but he is also hinting that it was manufactured by Skull and Bones… Those who really study Q already knew Q is a team and that we are all Q. Therefore, when for example the question: “could Flynn be Q?” is asked, Anons know the question means if Flynn is part of the Team. Next.


BRAVO! Q is congratulating us for making it this far in the riddle. Thank you Q! Well appreciated! ;)


The core of the information starts to show up here. Img8 This drop makes a direct connection between Rothschild and North Korea. Q explains the Rothschild model. It’s very simple. It’s about stealing the planet’s money through the international Central Bank network (FED), killing and maintaining humans in a constant state of misery through political, demographical and gun control, wars, big pharma, the pollution of air, water, the domestic use of harmful chemicals, most vaccines, tobacco and opioids and smuggling nuclear capabilities to countries like North Korea and Iran for protection and leverage just in case people like Trump become POTUS. Q430, Q1021 and the Q1249 we found earlier reinforce this information with the fact that in addition to these nuclear protections, the Rothschild Cabal also bought a “moral and religious” protection with the control of the Vatican through the Vatican Bank and its 1832 loan to the Holy See. Q informs us the Rothschild cabal network uses trusted entities like the Red Cross to smuggle children in Iran, Pakistan, NK and any other country where they have a presence. And of course, all this demonic choreography is ran for them worldwide by docile clowns lurking in the shadows of governments.


This is one of the most challenging drops. To understand what Q is referring to, we need to see how it connects to the previous piece of the puzzle Q1011. Img9 To do this, Peruvian Coffee for those who saw we need to bring the previous drop Q1123! It’s the ‘connector’ needed to solve the “Yes” in the second line and the NSA=ns@ coded backwards in the 3 first characters of ‘@Snowden’ which is connected to Adm. Rodgers and represents the answer to the question:

Q1123 Who is standing next to Pence & POTUS?

With now Q1123 in the riddle, the 2 lines [Bolton cleaning house] and [a clean house is very important] immediately connect to [Chemicals pushed for home use cleaning] in Q1011. Next? We follow Q’s advice in Q993: [Follow Bolton. Clean]. We do a Google image search on Bolton+chemicals and the very first result is an insecticide made by the Danish company Cheminova A/S. Pretty cool right? Then, we learn here that Cheminova was purchased in April 2015 by the NYSE listed chemical manufacturing company FMC Corporation. Finally, in this Politico article we find Robert Burt, CEO of FMC Corporation was among the business leaders who endorsed HRC. Coincidence? From this and the keywords FLOOR and HANDS IN MOUTH, we extract the first decoded message. Read very carefully.

We already knew this right? But now it’s exposed by POTUS himself and Q and it’s classified. This means something is being done about it. Let’s go further.

A brilliant anon made the connection in Q1114 between "BABY ON FLOOR-HANDS IN MOUTH - THE START" and the chemical attacks in Syria through the chemical chlorine. Articles like this one confirm this link. Let’s start by familiarizing ourselves with the dangers of chlorine and how we get our daily dose of it: video. You got that? You get your daily dose of chlorine through your shower. Now remember, we got to chlorine through Syria, chemicals, Bolton and Cheminova. When was Cheminova purchased by HRC’s friends? In April 2015. Now you know what Q meant when he repeated a “[C]lean House is very important” in Q1127 and said:

Q1127 Our comms must be this way. Refer back - the ‘Why?’NAT SEC laws. Trust the plan. April Showers. Q

This [April Showers] you will find several times on the Q board refers to all the chemicals the Rothschild Cabal exposes us to through regulations and food, air and water pollution.

Now the interesting question is: why are they pouring all these chemicals on us? To kill us? Yes, but it’s a little more complicated (and frightening) than that. The answer is in Q748 and Q749. Img10 in Q748, we are told they see us as flowers, gardens and crops. Literally. In Q749, Q asks the fatidic question:

Q749 Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind?

Bingo! Energy! We are their food! So you thought the Rothschild Cabal was human? No. They see you the way you see a piece of seasoned chicken. They have a human form for the human eye but they are a different species among the many species God Almighty has created in His Power and Wisdom and disseminated throughout the vastness of space:

An Anon: Q, Are we alone? Roswell ?

Q2222 No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space. Q

Some of these species Q is alluding to are of light, some of them are of darkness. Some of them have not made the inevitable choice yet. And here, we are dealing with pure luciferian and demonic darkness.

Now that we know this, we are equipped to understand why the Maestro wrote “BYE CROOKED HILLARY” and how this [-21] ties into all this. Fascinating stuff. Coming next.

Q749 Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. The end won't be for everyone. That choice, to know, will be yours. Q

#SB2 #SerialBrain2 #QAnon #LockHerUp #CrookedHillary


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