This may come as a surprise to many, and a shock to few. While I was recently touring with a group of cross dressing white dudes who have a metal band in japan. We decided one night to save a few bucks that we would just crash at the cheapest most cockroach infested, semen stained motel we could find.
When we finally settled on one, as we arrived I naturally rushed to the bathroom since we've been eating nothing but uncooked fish for the past week. I entered the bathroom and nearly layed a thick coat of vomit across the entire thing as the smell of dead corpses and fecal matter filled my nostrils. I managed to refrain as i pulled down my pants and filled that toilet up with the pressure of a sandblaster. As I sat there regretting my life's choices for the past week I looked to the right and noticed a beat up iphone 10 sitting there. Naturally I picked it up and went looking through the photos to see if there were any nude selfies on it.
Much to my surprise there was something better contained on this thin slice of technology. It looks like I had found Logan Paul's lost iPhone that he lost after visiting the suicide forest in Japan. And man is this dude in trouble.
I have never seen one person do something so disrespectful with a dead corpse. What he didnt show in his youtube video is going to END his career! So I warn you these are disgusting things he does with this dead corpse. All he cares about is his own brand and pushing his merch..!
See All the Pictures Here: