in logic •  8 years ago  (edited)

Monadic second order logic extended with the unbounded quantifier is undecidable when dealing with infinite words.

The difficulty of mso+u comes from the interaction between the unbounding quantifier and quantification over possibly infinite sets. This motivated the study of wmso+u, which is the variant of mso+u where set quantification is restricted to finite sets. On infinite words, satisfiability of wmso+u is decidable, and the logic has an automaton model [?]. Similar results hold for infinite trees [?]. The results from [?] have been used to decide properties of ctl*[?]. Currently, the strongest decidability result in this line is about wmso+u on infinite trees extended with quantification over infinite paths [?]. The latter result entails decidability of problems such as the realisability problem for promptltl[?], deciding the winner in cost parity games [?], or deciding certain properties of energy games [?].

While the above results showed that fragments mso+u can be decidable, and can be used to prove results not directly related to the logic itself, it was not known whether the full logic was decidable. The first evidence that mso+u can be too expressive was given in [?], where it was shown that mso+u can define languages of infinite words that are arbitrarily high in the projective hierarchy from descriptive set theory. This result was used in [?], where it was shown that, modulo a certain assumption from set theory (namelyv=l), the mso+u theory of the complete binary tree is undecidable. The result from [?] implies that there can be no algorithm which decides mso+u on the complete binary tree, and which has a correctness proof in the zfc axioms of set theory.

Bojańczyk, M., Parys, P., & Toruńczyk, S. (2015). The MSO+ U theory of (N,<) is undecidable. arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.04578.

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For those who wonder, MSO is the logic which is under research to be used for Tau. It's called Monadic Second Order Logic. MSO-U is Monadic Second Order Logic extended with an unbounded quantifier, U binds a set, the property is true for sets that are finite yet arbitrarily large. Tau is MSO over Graphs, but I do not yet know how the developer will deal with issues of decidability. In the near future a blog post will come out which will discuss in detail what Tau will be using but I'm waiting for Ohad to release his blog post.

For the most part this video is just to help people get familiar with MSO, logic, and dealing with infinity.

Thanks @dana-edwards for all the Tau information you are putting here on steem!
BTW are you involved in the project somehow?
Looking forward for more posts about Tau.

Exactly! \ (•◡•) /

uuuuh... thanks i guess o.O

Have no idea what i just watched