By the way, Soviet Russia and Maoist China were communist dictatorships - tyranny never works because it breeds resentment and uniformity of thought. Doesn't work. And Oligarchy, coming to a USA near you soon, will fail and collapse for the same reason. People do not like being kept down.
When Russia became capitalist, it imploded. Thats why people in Russia love Putin today - because they are hankering after the "good old days" of Soviet-era Russia. Collapse of Russian government gave rise to the Russian Mafia and billionaires looting the old state companies for their private gain. This wasn't due to "statist power" - it was due to a collapse of statist power and a change to quasi-anarchy. The kind that most here seem to adore.
Recent changes in China have improved things greatly. China is no longer quite so cummunist, but is socialist. Living standards are improving by leaps and bounds. Because the people have freedom, not tyranny.
Your mistake is in equating dictatorship communism (the only way in which communism can work in large countries, because people will fail to agree in large numbers, so force needs to be imposed for communism to work) with democratic, free-market socialism.
Having social security and govt. healthcare makes life better for the average person, not worse. Thats why any country that has either of these cannot abolish them, because the people would lynch anyone to tried to do so.
Living with the stress that if you lose your job you lose your healthcare and food supply is too stressful for a society to live with. A stressed society is a depressed society is an unproductive and resentful society. It breeds crime and terrorism. Thats why America is the homicide capital of the civilized world.
If you hate govt. move to Somalia. They have none. If you have a gun, you do not need to pay taxes. Enjoy.
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