( == 1 PARENT, (( == 2 PARENTS, ( (( == 3 PARENTS

in logy •  8 years ago  (edited)

( = 1 PARENT, (( == 2 PARENTS, ( (( == 3 Parents

(°((°°( ((°° ° = 1 Parent, 2 Parents, 3 Parents

(°((°°(((°°° = 1 Parent, 2 Parents, 3 Parents

(°((°°( ((° °° = 1 Parent, 2 Parents, 3 Parents

"I had (1, 2, ...) Parent(s)" psy aA said to Psy Z.

#Logy, realityl #Symbolice, #Psychology \∫ #Csychology.
~~ l
#Logy, realityl# #Symbolice, #Psychology ∫/\∫ #Csychology.

#Logy, Reality#l #Symbolice, #Psychology ∫/\∫ \∫ #Csychology.
~~ anguage
"One or two parent(s)?" Psy 2 asked Psy 1 (Psy 3 questioned?).

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)


I think I've said "Apparently" 7000 times since I was 7.

I wrote Apparently first alone to be clear I would just say "Apparently."

(Note I am EST Eastern Standard Time [Time Zone] so I wrote about my parent-sounding word "Apparently" at the 9/3.69.96.c timestamp interpsychologicalface coordinates degree, according to the format used by www.semver.org / https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Semver&redirect=no to write like that for serious, for real. Wait because I said "7000 times" I should have added a "7.c" as suffix or prefix there?)

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Wait I was 7 so I should say "apparently" and change letter case?

Apparently, maybe.

Well, 'apparently`, I mean. Apparently.

aApparently. Does the aA distinguish what?

I think I may have meant "Parent " when I said "Apparently" I think I liked "Apparent" spelled "Parent" apparently.

I think I had that grammar reason almost word for word, since beginning (ever) to say apparently, and learning the word apprently.

"Grammar Reason"? Is that part of the Grammar.lib.c? Grammar.Reason.c or GrammarReason.c? Do you add that before or after the letter or the word?

What definition (err, greater definition) would be alloted if we were to determine why we speak to such a degree?

If I signify/signified "Parent" by "Apparently" does that hold significance?

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Dedicated to when Magnolia began with "One" by Aimee Mann?

Dedicated to when Magnolia (1999, I was 12?) began with the mathematical number (like in music there are numbers too) "One" by Aimee Mann?

Dedicated with Hom E.

(C) Prosody VC. ARR. )) Okay Google, please tell me Level 3 is the web host I remember not another name please tell me the mature first web host ever was/is "Level3" and I am not making this up.

OPML from TabsOutliner.com:

    (C) Prosody VC. ARR. )) Okay Google, please tell me Level 3 is the web host I remember not another name please tell me the mature first web host ever was/is "Level3" and I am not making this up. - Google Search (https://www.google.com/search?q=(C)+Prosody+VC.+ARR.+))+Okay+Google%2C+please+tell+me+Level+3+is+the+web+host+I+remember+not+another+name+please+tell+me+the+mature+first+web+host+ever+was%2Fis+%22Level3%22+and+I+am+not+making+this+up.&oq=(C)+Prosody+VC.+ARR.+))+Okay+Google%2C+please+tell+me+Level+3+is+the+web+host+I+remember+not+another+name+please+tell+me+the+mature+first+web+host+ever+was%2Fis+%22Level3%22+and+I+am+not+making+this+up.&aqs=chrome..69i57.43136j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)
        "Level3" - Google Search (https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Level3%22&oq=%22Level3%22&aqs=chrome..69i57.1767j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)
            Level 3 Communications - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Level_3_Communications)
                scribe | Steem (https://steemd.com/@scribe)
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                        ( == 1 PARENT, (( == 2 PARENTS, ( (( == 3 PARENTS — Steemit (https://steemit.com/logy/@scribe/1-parent-2-parents-3-parents)

Oh wait that is not OPML that is Ukrainian who is not getting support from Google because they're not speaking "GOogle English".

Note, because I just went above about 99% of people's literacy/education in a single 30 second Google Search that I was logged into with my real name as the same account the whole time.

Note I was logged in for those searches, with 37 people watching.

``Okay class, let's start with that TabsOutliner is Ukrainian.

That's the first judgement made by "English Grammar Rules, that TabsOutliner does not speak English.``

Code quotes, so the 99% can not cill you for typing letters. Use the tilde instead of a quote to make sense it is code, which means 99% can not read.

Most people can not read code. Most people can not read English..

How long before someone notices in_writing_with_their_real_name_and_badge_number_not_a_smiley_face?

There are a lot of people who do not want to speak English about code who theoretically have badge numbers, and real names.

When is that part? Of the code, I mean.. .

I just said theoretically, of course Oath.com does not (have to) prove it.

Oh that is not fun to read for you, what is your badge number and real name again?

Oh we can not call them Shakespeare and Jesus and Satan and that too?

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

"Oh I have to give my badge number and real name too?"

"Oh I have to give my badge number and real name too?" is just a theory so far sadly, Oath.com has not spoken the English yet.

I'm also noticing a pattern with sworn Oath.com officers calling them Hollycryptowood names.

Oh you automated a way to read 100 people at once at Oath.com I heard?

Oh did you notice I am copyrighting my searches now because some people want to read me for free and I should put that in writing too?

My first readers is part of/in the StatCounter.analytics.gov package?

Sorry is analytics.gov Port 3? www.analytics.gov:3?

Check Level 3? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Level_3_Communications?

  ·  4 years ago (edited)
  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Whois oath.com? I mean, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WHOIS it, this "Oath"?

Can we see a copy in English writing/code?


You said you swore an Oath.com?

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

OPML support for TabsOutliner.com, like YCombinator for Workflowy.com, would take respect for their version of English.

How much words do you have?