Earplugs are important, say you might want to prove importance with a legal command, let us try with PRISM Doctor Query Language's PDQL terminal command.
In a terminal, write/put commands as follows in PRISM Doctor Query Language, (which draws "straight"/directly [well, PRISM is a "queer/gay" rainbow name] from the immature federal database of how we talk on record whether we consent or care, which I programmed a maturely consenting straight-talking PlainLanguage.gov-style interface for) with our keyword "earplugs":
pdql prism -jurisdiction=USA -type=store -has=receipt earplugs
I doubt that command crosses any legal loopholes that the official law enforcement policies do not cross themselves in order to make PRISM calculate, now you can run the same command for yourself about yourself instead of just another person having thus such exclusive right left to query you, interrogate you, ask you, question you, er, command you, by legal commands of identity and self-evidence.