My queen once virtual now a reality

in long •  8 years ago 

Hello everyone before I begin I would like to introduce myself, My name is Jeff and I live in South Africa.

Just 2 years ago roughly 3 days after the worst birthday I ever had i was playing a game on steam called Unturned a game similar to minecraft however focusing on staying alive and killing other players. I was playing with a friend from Lithuania and it just so happened that we started our very own server in which we needed to get more players so he instructed me to join the Unturned chat on Steam and that is where i met this phenomenal creature with the username "KittyBangBang" It was also the beginning of 20+ hour Skype calls with her and continuous gaming sessions and my slight downfall on my exercise as i'd just focus on her and forget to do all my daily tasks. They say Love is physical but after hearing her voice the definition of love becomes a mirage of ones inner self to know that you feel at peace just by having that specific person to talk to either in person, via the phone or even email. They become apart of your comfort zone and next thing you know you are suddenly inlove with someone that is a few 1000 Km's away . Your friends perhaps think you are crazy and need to go out more because you seem to be using your phone or PC more to speak to one person,. Sounds familiar? But the truth is who knows what is normal? how can we base what friends think or what people think as our definition of being normal? I halted any prompts from them to say I should stop this "Internet relationship" because she became my everything, my morning text, my video call, my virtual date and without giving up soon enough she became my princess in the moonlight in Cape Town , South Africa. Meeting your Significant other for the first time whilst in a long distance relationship is perhaps the most magical feeling in the whole world, I remember walking down from my first airplane flight to meet my girl for the first time and all i could say was "God please assure that I don't screw this up!" It was the best time of my life and I wanted more! she became my drug and i refused to let this distance get between us! SO I worked harder and within 1 year I had explored Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Qatar and Indonesia with her and yes ofcourse you might be thinking Long distance relationships don't work but that isn't the reality ! If both people want to be in each others lives then you better get your ass up and make it happen!, To sum it up without me ranting you can follow me and I will be introducing my Wife as she ties the knot with me within the next 3 months!.

Love is in the eyes of the beholder , if you truly want it nothing stands in your way from making it happen.

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