If you are already in the so-called "middle age" or beyond, you certainly know the problem with the increasingly full stomach over the years. Especially men have to fight with it due to their disposition. Women rarely have to worry about a thick belly, but more about too much buttocks and thighs.
Diets often have their pitfalls and are only rarely permanently successful. In addition, one tortures oneself with diets in such a way that one must practice renunciation and often has to invest a lot of time in the preparation of dietary food. For many years I have not had this and really lasting and worth seeing success.
Then one day I got to know an extremely talented physiotherapist through my professional activity in the relaxation and health sector. She had once made a journey through India and China as part of her professional training and brought this exercise with her from a scholar in China. She told me about it when I offered her one day that I would be annoyed over the years by my increasingly full stomach, although I was always a sporty type, who regularly and also at that time did sport.
She then advised me to do a very simple daily exercise, which she got to know on her travels through India and China. That I was skeptical at first and couldn't imagine reducing my abdominal girth with mere "stroking" (that's how I felt at the time) can certainly be imagined. But when I became very curious, she told me all the details and backgrounds of the exercise, which I present to you in this eBook.
I started with the exercise - for the time being only in bed in the morning after waking up. But when I felt the first successes, I added a "unit" and did the exercise again in the evening in bed before falling asleep. Today I can report that within three months I lost about six centimetres of abdominal girth and also felt better about my digestion (to call it a spade: I had less and less flatulence).
Here are all the details and backgrounds for you. Stay on the ball with your practice, even if you don't get the success you hoped for right away. As so often in life, you have to wait a little patiently for success. Nothing comes overnight.
It should also be nothing new to you that body and mind form a unity. This consciousness has been known in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Here - in the western thinking health world - this knowledge is becoming more and more accepted. In this respect, please attach great importance to the mental aspects of the exercise. Do the exercise best undisturbed (you can ask your partner to go to the bathroom first). I wish you now much success and am sure that you will have it with this small guidance to a simple exercise!
The Crane Exercise
This book describes an extremely simple way to lose weight and abdominal girth. It also promotes better digestion, helps to get deeper sleep and helps to keep the heart healthy. All these effects are of course closely linked. Being overweight has a variety of effects on the whole organism and our well-being. Before however the consequences and effects of overweight are examined, here some basic remarks.
Here we are talking about a method of weight loss which has its roots in the teachings of ancient Chinese scholars. The most practical Taoists were astute observers and infinitely idle researchers. If a therapy was successful, it was maintained. If therapies failed, they quickly fell into oblivion and were not handed down.
This simple and effective method of weight loss is just one of many ancient self-healing methods and consists of the so-called "energizing inner exercises".
These amazingly simple and always effective exercises are based on the behaviour of animals that are known to have a relatively long life expectancy and the ability to heal themselves. For this reason, the exercises bear names of the animals from which they have been "cribbed".
The exercise to which we dedicate ourselves here in the context of belly fat reduction is that of the crane. It is based on a total of 6000 years of observations, effects and studies of natural healing methods. These exercises are often still hardly known in Western medicine and medicine.
"Inner Taoist Exercises" - what are these?
In many ways it can be described as the opposite of sports such as athletics, swimming, martial arts, handball, tennis and many others. In the young years of life, strength-intensive sport beautifies the body and gives it a desirable vitality. With increasing age, however, it often negatively affects the internal organs.
Exhausting sports and exercises sometimes create a favourable breeding ground for various diseases and in certain cases even lead to premature aging. However, these internal exercises are designed to supply the body with energy and also to balance its energy balance. In addition, they make the internal organs function better and harmonize with each other.
In order to remain healthy into old age, the organism needs a strong internal system: internal organs, abdominal muscles, lungs, heart and blood circulation. The Crane Exercise was developed from the Chinese teachings to strengthen this system of organs and supply it with energy. It is called the Crane Exercise because the crane stands upright and alternately pulls/bends one leg first and then the other, exerting pressure on its abdominal muscles and internal organs so that the abdominal area is stimulated. This movement has beneficial effects and strengthens breathing, the digestive system and blood circulation.
Although the physique of the crane differs fundamentally from that of the human body, the principle on which this characteristic movement is based is the same.
With increasing age, it becomes more and more difficult to exercise the stomach and belly. People who are over 40 years old and who do not exercise regularly are advised not to do particularly strength-intensive training. In contrast to other parts of the body, the abdominal area cannot be influenced directly enough.
For this reason, fatty tissue accumulates very easily in the abdominal area of most people. Especially with men, as already mentioned and well known. If a person is overweight, his whole organism has to carry the additional weight, which affects his health constitution.
If, for example, two centimetres more circumference forms at the waist, the organism has to produce new blood vessels about six kilometres long in order to feed this additional tissue.
The blood, which normally flows to the head and brain, remains in the abdominal cavity of overweight people to support the digestive organs in their extra work. Because of the greater proportion of fatty tissue, the heart has to perform better and is weakened and endangered as a result of these great efforts.
Fats and lipids, which together with carbohydrates and proteins form the basic molecules of the cells, hinder blood circulation in the arteries and veins and over time lead to high blood pressure. Being overweight also makes you physically and mentally tired, as the whole organism is overtaxed. Shifting the centre of gravity to the front part of the body also exerts pressure on the spine and often causes back problems.
Being overweight does not bring any advantages. No, overweight has many disadvantages that many people are not aware of in this dimension. For many people with overweight, however, it is often difficult and a life-long task with conventional weight loss methods to be successful. In addition, these are often cost-intensive and not only put pressure on the mind, but are also at the expense of the wallet.
The ideal exercise to lose weight
The easiest and most natural way to lose weight is the exercise described below, which can be done without effort in two minutes per unit. It consists of two parts.
Proceed as follows:
lie on your back and relax. Relaxation is extremely important. Then place your hand on your navel (right-handed people use their right hand, left-handed people use their left hand) and proceed as follows:
Begin - clockwise from the navel, i.e. from right to left - to draw small circles and gradually extend them to the upper and lower limits of the stomach and abdomen. So the circle gets bigger and bigger during the exercise. Then do the same counterclockwise until you gradually come back to the navel, reducing the size of the circles.
Do not exert any pressure. It is a kind of "stroking". Repeat this movement in both directions as long as you feel like it and as long as your time allows it. However, two minutes should be the minimum - preferably a little longer. It should be noted, however, that it doesn't help to lengthen the exercise unnecessarily, assuming that the stomach disappears faster. The constant repetition is what makes the success in the long run.
What happens during this exercise
If you gently place your hand on the body, an invisible energy is transferred to the skin underneath. This energy transfer is also used for the laying on of hands, for example. By drawing ever larger circles with your hand, it supplies energy to the cells and tissue of the entire abdominal region. Your own electromagnetic energy penetrates the skin and the underlying tissue layers. The beneficial effect of this exercise is enhanced by your concentration on the exercise and the visualization of the energy.
Kirlian photography, a medical-technical development, has recently proven that the skin is enveloped in an energy field. The research results obtained thanks to this particular technique confirm that this energy does not only spread to the outer layers of the skin, but also affects the whole body. As a rule, it can be observed even more intensively in the area of the head and hands.
During the first phase of this exercise, the energy of the hand gently "massages" the internal organs, the blood vessels, the digestive system and the excretory system. The fat deposits gradually dissolve and are then excreted. The excess fat in your stomach and belly literally melts away under your hand.
By moving your hand clockwise (i.e. from right to left) and at the same time drawing ever larger circles, you activate the natural function of the internal organs. Constipation, which is often accompanied by overweight, is a symptom of sluggishness of the digestive and excretory organs or the result of a blockage or lack of energy.
This is usually a hyperfunction of the small intestine, which means that it absorbs too much fluid during the process of transporting food into the colon. This increases the food density to such an extent that the small intestine is no longer able to do its job optimally. The organism becomes clogged and the metabolic waste that should be excreted is retained by the organism. The clockwise movement of the hand stimulates intestinal activity and slows down the absorption of water until it is normalised.
Women, who - genetically caused - often have problems with constipation, can already feel a clear improvement within one week, because the intestine often works better then. If the exercise is carried out over a period of about 3 months, success can be achieved which can lead to complete normalisation of intestinal activity and thus to the end of constipation.
The counterclockwise movement has the opposite effect, i.e. it strengthens the excretion products. This effect is achieved by activating the transport of water from the small intestine to the kidneys.
Therefore, those who are overweight without suffering from chronic constipation or diarrhoea are well advised to do this exercise regularly. In principle, weight loss is closely linked to an improved function of the digestive system.
Have you ever unsuccessfully tried to lose weight by eating fewer calories or radically changing your diet? If so, then your digestive system and your excretion system did not function optimally during this time. If the digestive and metabolic functions are disturbed, the body tends to hold back a large part of the food.
In many cases, the body must be freed from metabolic waste that has accumulated in the body over the years by means of intestinal enema.
The effect of the crane exercise is similar to that of a natural and gentle intestinal enema. In order to experience this beneficial effect of the crane exercise, it is advisable to do it twice a day for at least one month.
Healing by Imagination
The second, no less important part of the crane exercise appeals to the imagination. Concentrate on the feeling of warmth that develops as you massage your stomach. Even if you feel little heat, this is a sign that excess fat is being burned. The fatty tissues in the stomach and intestines are metabolized and excreted.
It is important that you exercise the circular movements gently while concentrating on your hand, which moves across the entire surface of your abdomen. Try to perceive the warmth and thus the energy.
The effectiveness of the exercise does not depend on the pressure you exert on the abdomen. The circular movement of your hand serves only to direct the energy into the lower part of your body in the form of an electric current. The secret of the exercise is based on this energy. Relax your body and let this energy heal you.
The visualization is important for the effectiveness of the crane exercise and should not be neglected. If your thoughts wander, start again from the beginning.
Western medicine and medicine has recently recognized the power of visualization (and similar methods) as a therapeutic instrument. The distinction between psychological and physiological causes of disease is gradually disappearing. It is becoming increasingly clear that faith and the way people perceive their environment influence their physiological functions. It is also said that the majority of illnesses are psycho-somatic, i.e. if the head is "ill", the body becomes so.
The psychological factor is enormously important for a process of change and healing. The point is that the natural balance leads the organism and the mind to self-healing.
In some cases, it is reported, it has already been possible for some people to defeat a malignant cancer thanks to intensive visualization. So how easy should it be to get rid of an obese stomach with this technique? For this reason, it is advisable to pay particular attention to the second part of the crane exercise.
There are different techniques to choose from. Choose the one that suits you best.
It was already the suggestion to visualize the energy that emanates from your hand and penetrates the skin and the underlying organs. Over time you should be able to imagine how this energy penetrates deeper and deeper into the body.
Another technique is to imagine a small "fire" in your stomach, which becomes more intense the longer the abdominal area is gently massaged.
But you can also imagine a coloured dot in the abdominal region. It can be blue, green, yellow or white - the colour doesn't matter. While you are gently massaging the skin, imagine that this coloured spot is getting bigger and brighter. This should give you a pleasant feeling of warmth in the abdominal region.
Another possibility of visualization is to imagine the hand being a kind of hot iron and melting away the fat. The latter has helped me very well as a visualization.
The crane exercise begins with the slow and circling friction or stroking movement in a clockwise direction (from right to left), starting from the navel and describing ever larger circles. At the same time you visualize the warmth and energy that penetrates into the inside of your body.
As soon as you have described circles with your hand over the whole abdominal area, you reverse the movement and repeat the exercise counterclockwise (from left to right) until you have reached the navel again.
During this time, try to visualize the warmth and energy (in the way that seems most comfortable to you) that warms the abdominal area and radiates the warmth into it. Imagine how your digestion normalizes in the gastrointestinal tract and how the fat cells in the digestive tract normalize auflösen.
Do this exercise twice a day (or more often if you like) while lying comfortably on your back. The best time to do this is in the morning before getting up and in the evening before falling asleep.
For the crane exercise to be effective, it is enough to do it for two minutes per session. Even if the exercise is only short, it always has a beneficial effect. Spend the necessary time - you will not regret it.
If you do the exercise regularly, you can sometimes notice many other positive effects that are pleasantly noticeable.
The crane exercise is also good for the heart because it reduces the load it has to carry. The blood vessels become stronger and digestion improves. In addition, the crane exercise helps to remedy bad breath, which is caused, among other things, by a gastrointestinal tract that is not intact.
Finally, it can be said that the crane exercise can also serve as a natural sleeping pill. By gently massaging the abdominal area, you ensure that the blood flows easily from the head and brain to the abdominal area. This releases the mental tension and you fall more easily into a deep and restful sleep.
With best thanks to Birgit F., who made it possible for me to write this eBook based on her experiences with this exercise.