The Lose Your First 10 Lbs Workshop Review.

in loose •  3 years ago 

42 lbs gone in 90 days (and that’s not even the best part), Eat the RIGHT foods, at the RIGHT times 🕔, Reset your metabolism🔥.

how often do you think about your weight?

And how do you feel when you see yourself in the mirror?

…or in photos… or when trying on clothes?

Do you feel frustrated, discouraged, and angry with yourself?

That’s exactly how Ginger felt, just a few months ago.

No matter how hard she tried to lose weight, the scale just wouldn’t budge.

Or when it did, she quickly gained it all back. Sometimes even more.

But she never gave up.

She tried all the latest diets.

She tried pills, bars, shakes, and other pre-packaged “health” foods.

She tried Weight Watchers… online weight loss programs… phone apps…

Counting calories… limiting carbs… will-power…

She exercised longer. Harder. And more often.

She literally tried EVERYTHING.

…and ended up feeling more and more deprived.

More and more exhausted.

More frustrated.

And more discouraged.

She felt trapped in a body that wasn’t really hers.

And Ginger’s health, energy, and self-confidence were all getting worse.

It affected her career… her family… her happiness… and literally every aspect of her life.

And just when she was about to give up…

She received an email like this one that explained…

You are NOT the problem.

Dieting and all those other things are the problems.

They have you destined for failure before you even start.

Because they’re not only impossible to stick with…

They “break” the one thing that’s responsible for permanent weight loss.

Your metabolism.

Ginger finally said “enough is enough” with all the diets. And instead…

She followed ONE simple strategy called “Nutrient Synthesis.

That’s it!

And it reset and conditioned her metabolism to work FOR her rather than against her.

In the first 90 days, Ginger not only lost 42 lbs…

She went off all medication
Her blood pressure is in a healthy range
She’s no longer pre-diabetic
She’s pain-free
And she now has the energy and self-confidence to enjoy each new day, in a body she loves.


And it’s a lot simpler than you think.

Losing weight is only difficult when your metabolism is “broken”.

But you can quickly turn it around with this straightforward strategy.

Click above to learn how — it’s so much easier than you think.

P.S. Below is a photo of Ginger before following Nutrient Synthesis. Want to see what she looks like now?

Click here to to see what’s possible when you follow this straightforward strategy.



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