The Valar responsible for the creation of dreams and desires as well as visions too. He was more commonly known as Lórien, after the name of his dwelling place. Irmo-Lórien was the younger brother of Námo who also like his brother was commonly known as Mandos the name of his dwelling place, and also the brother of Nienna (Lady of Pity and Mourning).
All the Valar of Aman, would indeed come often to the gardens of Lórien to rest from the cares of Arda, and they would also draw refreshment from the fountains of Lórien and Estë.
Though Lórien dwelt far away from Valmar, his dwelling was still within the Realm of Valinor. Together, Lórien and Estë provided a refuge in Valinor in the groves and gardens of Lórien. In his fair gardens, Lórien tended to the Elves of Valinor and would provide the them with guiding visions and dreams.
During the Noontide of Valinor when the Elves lived in Valinor, Míriel of the Noldor grew weary and tired of her earthly life after giving birth to her infamous son Fëanor and she yearned release from the labor of living. Hence, Manwë commanded Lórien to take her under his care. Then Míriel went to Lórien's gardens to lay down and rest but her spirit quickly departed silently from her body to the halls of Mandos and thereafter never came back. Nevertheless, the maids of his wife Estë tended to the body of Mírel so that it would not whither.
When the Sun and Moon were originally set in their paths, Varda purposed that the two vessels should journey in Ilmen and ever be aloft. It was largely due to the prayers of Lórien and his wife who declared that sleep and rest had been banished from the Earth; therefore, Varda changed her council and allowed for a time of night where the world would still have shadow and half-light.