The Dwarves: The seven clans

in lotr •  3 years ago  (edited)
  • Longbeards, also known as Durin's Folk; originally from Mount Gundabad they also founded the great Dwarf Mansion of Khazad-dûm (a.k.a. Moria or Dwarrowdelf) in the Misty Mountains, the Iron Hills, the holds in the Grey Mountains and, finally, the Lonely Mountain.
  • Firebeards & Broadbeams. Originally from the Blue Mountains, they were paired but Tolkien never clarified which tribe built Nogrod and which Belegost. After the First Age they merged with the Longbeards.
  • Ironfists & Stiffbeards. Originated in the Far East; Orocarni.
  • Blacklocks & Stonefoots. Originated in the Far East; Orocarni.


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