While the service to self factions post spin upon spin daily to demoralize and separate us; the nonphysical beings are channeling to individuals the Truth of the silent war happening behind the scenes. God is winning and we have our own inner work to do: releasing years of earth 3D lies and programs and wounds to allow the 5D+ light/love to move into our body/mind/consciousness. Stay the course! You are loved beyond measure. <3
"...Stress blocks mindfulness, anxiety destroys peace of mind, pressure cracks us. We have time to breathe beautiful people, get to know each other again and meet Self. We regroup, reassess, what do we want, what will make us happy. What fears have we dissolved in our enlightenment retreat? We detached from consumerism, commutes and corporate control. We stopped to smell the roses. We miss fun. Gratitude is dropping on a grand scale, lean into it, enjoy each moment, embrace all the good things when they come back online cosmic surfers. Life is for living, be in the moment, create joy and magnetize love.
The material plane has anchored into planetary magnetism. We have successfully reconnected to Gaia’s grid within the quantum field. The energy field we are in has shifted, magnetized back into Gaia’s light grid. Polar realignment expands the Gaia plane energy field to a quantum space. The energy is now anchored from a nexus point within the planetary system. A spirograph of frequency movement has replaced the old matrix vibratory field of linear or wave energy. We are now in a perpetual motion energy field, moving round a nexus point, in a sacred geometric spiral, circles and loops. To align we stay hydrated, flexible and grounded. Altitude sickness can be experienced if we move too quickly. Our mind body soul beings are transitioning to quantum magnetized energies. We can achieve equilibrium through yoga, dynamic movement, meditation and self care. Healing therapies help to align chakras and enable us to flow within Gaia’s vibratory field rather than resist it. The spirograph movement is energy magnetized to Gaia’s grid. Lightwork, karmic clearing and healing has enabled us to land beautiful people. We have dropped into Gaia’s grid in the divine alignment of chakra expansion, tribal consciousness activation. Take things nice and easy cosmic surfers, we are reintegrating into our daily lives as different people, more authentic, real, our matrix masks have come off. Our lives will transform when we follow the path shown to us in these celestial times...." https://awakening5dhealing.com/2020/04/23/energy-update-the-gamechangers-are-here/