Happy Birthday My First Love

in love •  6 years ago  (edited)


Today a Great man was born, One of the best dad in the world.

My Spinal cord, My Back bone, My Strength, My Small god, My first love,

My Guardian, My Pillar, My Genetic Makeup Carrier, My anchor.

If i was to write a story about him.

It would be the greatest ever

I'd write about My Lovely Dad.

He has gotten a heart worth more than thousands of Gold.

He walked in the rain to get me covered.

He sleeps in hunger just to make sure am okay.

He forgo his needs just to provide mine.

He worked day and night to make me what i am today.

He understands my silent more than anybody else.

He doesn't even remember his own birthday just because he wants to take care of me.

Thank you DAD. Can't Love you Lesser.
You are the best


And Happy Birthday to Me, Myself and I in Advance

Just 6 days to the end of another 365 days.

Am grateful, Am thankful even if not for anything but for the gift of life.

This young lady came to this world over 2 decades ago on the 26th day of April.

Laugh A Bit My Birthday Is On The Way,

In English Language, There are some Wonderfully Anthropomorphic collective noun for the different Groups of Animal

We all know

  • A Herd of Cows

  • A Flock of Chicken

  • A School of Fish

  • A Gaggle of Geese


A Pride of Lions

However less known by us is

  • Murder of Crows

  • An Exaltation of Doves

And Presumably , because they look so wise

  • A congress of owls

Now have you ever considered a group of Baboons.

They are the Loudest, Most dangerous, viciously,Obnoxious and at least intelligent of all primates!

And do you know the proper collective noun for a group of Baboons?


Yeah..................A PARLIAMENT OF BABOONS


Pretty much explains everything .....Isn't it?

Just for fun.

I went to my neighbor's house to borrow iron and they told me to use it in their house, I agreed and use it there.
The second day, My neighbor come to my house to borrow BROOM then i told him to use it in my house....And he's staring at me.

Please did i say anything wrong?

Thanks for Reading.

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