Consumed by my own sorrows I find myself condemned behind the black walls that accompany my lethargy, the metallic sound of the chains reminds me of my reclusion, the darkness consumes my mind framed in diffuse memories plus a sweet voice brings me back to melodious reality. .. whisper verses of love that resounds within these 4 walls, sublime mind sings for me relieving my emotional burden; I try to get closer to her more my chains limit my closeness her soft rose fragrance fills my lungs intoxicating like the sweetest wine my selfish being becomes more and more addicted to her presence the sound of her footsteps shorten the distance that separates us a soft kiss steals my breath the sweet taste his passion accelerates my heart my veins burn the emotion consumes my mind by little, his lips move away to be replaced with a caress on my chest soft as the purest silk. After feeling his hand separate, I hear his steps, each one more distant than the previous one, the cold vulve my body, the loneliness returns together with a gloomy silence, surprisingly, it is interrupted by a reassuring phrase that I hope my heart resonates through that room '' I will return my beloved ' 'my mind fills with ecstasy as I remember his infinite love.
Love letter to venuz
4 years ago by bekycm (25)