Forest Prayer For Consolation

in love •  7 years ago  (edited)

Forest Prayer For Consolation

original devotional poetry

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Forest Prayer
For Consolation

Be our salve

for threads

hanging raggèd

commensal in groves;

a haloed frenzy,

kudzu sentinel

of vigor

o'er the drowsy glades

and grassy alcoves.

An arms-reach

of agèd balm

to scan the plains,

to find the pits.

Fill them,

O elusive fount:

brimming interchange


blessèd fruitfall.


and do not cease

to drop

until the prick of blades

slays not.


when risen flows

the silvered rose,

ascending gown

of silk consoles

the broken


of trodden state.

Restore us,

luscious fount

of heav'nly thrushes

springing life

from life's dismay.

Through dismal dance

we flitting wend;

sunful medicine,

pale crucifix

of force

on forceless medium compelled.

Bring vines

to bandage love-shorn garb;

split the aching corset,

free of thorns

the starry breast.


take our yoke,

in the fullness of hope's spell

make us light,

that we might rise into the aerie

through the trees.

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Poetry written
By @d-pend
Photography credits:

  1 — "It's About Time" by Sneekie-Fochs
  2 — "Kudzu Rising" by McAllisterBryant
  3 — "Kudzu Barn 1" by Lightsabr2

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kudzu_barn_1_by_lightsabr2 4.jpg

kudzu_rising_by_mcallisterbryant-d2y65pk 3.jpgkudzu_rising_by_mcallisterbryant-d2y65pk 6.jpg

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi, @d-pend. This poem made me think hard on several things. First of all
the language. The surprising juxtaposition of elements and images.
Even though the liturgical tone and style, along with syntactical and morphological elements take us back to Shakespearean English (raggèd, agèd, blessèd), there is a modern vitality and spirit, a reversal, or reaction to Elizabethan or even Victorian restrains.
The contrasting

haloed frenzy,
kudzu sentinel
of vigor
o'er the drowsy glades
and grassy alcoves.

or the

to bandage love-shorn garb;
split the aching corset,
free of thorns
the starry breast.

the images, though, provide a contrasting feeling when you think about liberating by embracing/covering or wrapping with this sort of luscious fount or arboreal power. The images are almost suffocating in their intense greenery, even if they lead to elevated freedom :) .

The second aspect that this poem made me consider was the social conventions regarding love, relationships, or rituals, like marriages/weddings. The oppressive garbs, detached from love and true affection or imposed over dreams or aspirations, tolerated, but not accepted. With that same stoicism girls tolerate high hills just because allegedly they look good on them, even if they are bleeding or swelling because of the "dismal dance". All under blessing of "the pale crucifix of force." A yugo (yoke) that sounds almost like a joke for some.
Thus, the text seems to invoke nature to save us from all this unnatural conventions. Quite a ride.

Plus, you made me remember a beautiful bird whose name i had not pronounced since i was a kid: los torditos (thrushes)


This consolation poem is really beautiful. That call to merge from the heart with what is exalted, regardless of its origin, only in the consciousness of a Higher Power that sees and protects us. We speak of different divine forms, according to human belief, but the consolation is the faith in love, in the natural acceptance of nature as a whole capable of regenerating and elevating us.
Excellent work with the words, @ d-pend.

Through dismal dance
we flitting wend;
sunful medicine,
pale crucifix
of force
on forceless medium compelled.

Bring vines
to bandage love-shorn garb;
split the aching corset,
free of thorns
the starry breast.

These are my favorite lines. I like the crucifixion imagery–not sure if it is purposeful–the thorns (or lack thereof), pale crucifix, and ...shorn garb whisper at a possible connection. I love the sing song nature of the first three lines of this stanza and how they propel it into the meat of this section. You also made me learn a new word. Kudzu. After learning this word the stanza took on even more life. 😎

Thank you for this prayer and meditation @d-pend.

I seem to have missed your post. Sorry for the late reply.

Maybe because of the right alignment I was swept away like a leaf.

I see a story of healing and protection from the heat. I see fruits that are painful but bring life. I see a robe of silk roses covering all my sins. The via de la rosa taken too lightly. I see myself cry as the lamb looks down from above. But are you making a play on words using yolk and not yoke?


I pray for you and your family.
May you be filled with peace and life and joy and healing.
I pray for everyone using and abusing this block chain to be healed.
Even if that means we have to take some time out.

I enjoyed the lifecycle concepts in this piece and the figurative imagery you used throught this piece. It made for a transformative read. Nice write.

Aren't we life affirming of late :) anyhoo Feed me pie ...

I think that somehow the poem connects you with nature which I find incredible, is a wonderful job and the images I love thanks for sharing with us :)

Beautiful poem, thank you for sharing such beautiful pictures, full of poetry and meaning. Thank you for sharing your time with us and taking us out for a walk in these beautiful forests.

Incredible poem, the words fit so perfect, nature, the forest and our trees are definitely inspiration.

Fantastic prayer, thank you and all the best to you!
Have the best day of your life.

I have not read poetry in a while feels good to read this.

I think i need some forest meditation time

I encourage you to take a day off and get some fresh20180704_191433.jpg

This is the middle of a Typhoon. Very peaceful, huh?

This Typhoon's name is Maria.

Oh my God this pictures @d-pend

Awesome use of pics for a more than awesome piece of writing..
Really like your content..

  ·  7 years ago (edited)
Thank you for the kind words and support @anishag. Have a great day!


Your support for me could have justified that more.. hehe.. neways.. keep steeming

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Only came to the post expecting upvotes, when you have only 15 SP.... Y I K E S OddBot recommendation: buy some STEEM and power up @anishag
Find blogger you like! Not blogger with high SP! Don't make fake compliment! Don't expect upvote!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Damn @oddbot. Stop murdering people with truthbombs. It wreaks havoc on the weak minded and weak-willed.

EDIT: Then least this is an actual person and not a bot. But still...

I like your poem.your thinking is very good i like it.
And dont forgate" save tree save life. " mind blowing poem you shared. Thank you so much for your nice poem. I'm always try to check out your blog

This post has received a 14.02 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @d-pend.

this forest is beautiful!