the power of love...

in love •  7 years ago  (edited)

saya ingin tertawa sekali melihat teman saya yang begitu romantis dan melankolis karena ingin mendapatkan wanita idamannya...
dengan sebuah sepatu dia mulai melancarkan rayuan gombal nya kepada seorang wanita...
seperti kisah cinderella yang di rayu oleh pangeran ketika hilangnya sebuah sepatu kaca namun cocok dengan kaki sang tuan putri cinderella....
ini teman saya @dhiki meniru adegan cerita itu
tanpa malu dia membeli sepatu yang cocok dengan ukuran wanita nya...
sangat ingin tertawa dan terbahak ketika dia mulai merayu...
namun saya begitu bangga karena percaya diri dan keberaniannya mengungkapkan isi hatinya hanya dengan modal sepasang sepatu....

I want to laugh at once to see my friend who is so romantic and melancholy for wanting to get her dream woman ...
with a shoe he started waving his rags to a woman ...
such as the story of cinderella which is wooed by the prince when the loss of a glass shoe but matches the foot of the master of cinderella ....
this my friend @dhiki imitate the scene of the story
without shame he bought shoes that fit the size of his lady ...
eager to laugh and laugh as she starts wooing ...
but I am so proud of her confidence and her courage to express her heart with only a pair of shoes ....



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That is so sweet. It is touching. Nice writing

thanks u very muchhhhh..... iam faaling in love my princess

woww.....grates congratulation brother...

Good story 😂😂. Cinta oh cinta...kebahagiaannya tiada akhir

hiiihii.....jdi trending teh...alhamdulillah

thanks all my suports.....
terima kasih banyak teh maryani...