in love •  7 years ago 

received_168784107088251.gifYes, you sinned, yes you fornicated, yes you are a dedicated church worker yet you committed that adultery in secret and each time you remember, you feel so bad, condemned, worthless and useless!

You've masturbated over and over and over again, asked God for forgiveness over and over and over again till you got tired and worn out. You may think, "what's the use? I might as well have the real sex and go to hell! I am a certified sinner already why try to change when its so difficult?" No, you are not going to hell, you will go to heaven. Please, don't give in to the devil; don't quit trying, don't stop asking for forgiveness. Don't accept defeat.

Dr. Mike Murdock said "struggle is a sign that you have not yet been defeated." Jesus became flesh so He could feel what we feel and trust me, He understands. Keep asking for forgiveness, He will always forgive you till you are strong enough and can't commit those sins again.

If Jesus told Peter to forgive those who offend him 490 times in 24 hours, how much more God? He never asks us to do things He doesn't do. The Lord can forgive you 1000 times per day! Yes, He can and He will.

I'm not encouraging sin. No one reaches perfection in a day, we all have areas we struggle and face temptation, it takes time to overcome some weaknesses. If you will keep seeking the Lord's help, if you never give up, one day you will look back and realize you do not commit that sin anymore. Jesus ALWAYS loves you. NEVER GIVE UP! God bless you. Cheers!

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