in love •  7 years ago 


Some of you might remember, a few months ago, I made a post about my first heartbreak.

Okay maybe it wasn't the first, maybe the first was the first time my parents chose to leave me home with an aunt rather than take me with them as always, maybe the first was when I realized the helicopter I kept waiting for my uncle to buy me was just a fantasy, maybe the first was when I realized the camera I broke doesn't get replaced instantly and may take more than 6momths..... these were all heart rending experiences for me, but the girl I loved most and have invested a massive portion of my life in, leaving me seemed to dwarf all other heartbreaks. I tried to be man about it, it didn't work, so I resorted to beimg a kid about it..... no love mi more... never again
This won't happen to me a second time.

I have been true to this till 4weeks ago... no it's not what you think, okay maybe it is but not how you think.
I was sick I was admitted, I got calls and gifts from friends.
I got something bigger from these closer -to-stranger friend.... I got a call, then a conversation, then a transformation, then a conversion.

She made me totally forget my promise, I promise you she's more amazing than I am making it sound.
I fell in love uncontrollably, effortlessly we vibes seamlessly.... and she said yes.
As of today , I also can claim to know, experiencedd own love. And so

I chose to share this piece on this day when love was traditionally and historically gifted to the world.... the birth of Jesus.


May love shine through for u this Xmas
Merry Xmasome of you might remember, a few months ago, I made a post about my first heartbreak.

Okay maybe it wasn't the first, maybe the first was the first time my parents chose to leave me home with an aunt rather than take me with them as always, maybe the first was when I realized the helicopter I kept waiting for my uncle to buy me was just a fantasy, maybe the first was when I realized the camera I broke doesn't get replaced instantly and may take more than 6momths..... these were all heart rending experiences for me, but the girl I loved most and have invested a massive portion of my life in, leaving me seemed to dwarf all other heartbreaks.

I tried to be man about it, it didn't work, so I resorted to beimg a kid about it..... no love no more... never again.
This won't happen to me a second time.

I have been true to this till 4weeks ago... no it's not what you think, okay maybe it is but not how you think.
I was sick, I was admitted, I got calls and gifts from friends.

I got something bigger from this closer -to-stranger friend.... I got a call, then a conversation, then a transformation, then a conversion.
She made me totally forget my promise, I promise you she's more amazing than I am making it sound.
I fell in love uncontrollably, effortlessly we vibed seamlessly.... and she said yes.

As of today , I also can claim to know, experience, and own love.

And so
I chose to share this piece on this day when love was traditionally and historically gifted to the world.... the birth of Jesus.

May love shine through for you this Christmas

Merry Xmas

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