Where is the Love?
At this very moment, as you read this,
Millions of humans are making love,
Fusing spirits, passion, and infinite bliss.
Many who make it
Will reproduce, making a new heart,
Full of energy, empathy, and grit.
These little beating hearts
Will grow, mingle, & make more
And more love, driving up the charts.
Indeed, we have so much heart,
Among our growing hearts,
And make love—like it’s an art.
So, why is it still so well-known
That among us
So little love is shown?
I Found Some Love
You readers inspire me with your support.
You are the frenzied power I feel in my lungs.
You are the quaking jets that rumble below my feet.
You are the beating heart that lashes out, telling me to
Look through my window, at this cruel world, and
Light up its dark skies with luscious licks of
Lucid and starry and paralyzing
Lovely, loving literary love.
Original post- wordpress.com/read/blogs/78862059/posts/34277