How to Move On Effective No Longer Old, Tips For You To Be Who Are Breaking Love

in love •  8 years ago 

imageThe article for today will discuss how to move on effectively not wearing long, including a simple explanation to get rid of the former shadow. Failing to have a love affair with someone you love is sick. So sick, many of you are stressed, lazy to move, lazy to eat, and grumpy. In fact, some want to commit suicide.

It can ruin you for something that is wasted, and wasting your time. Why still think of people who do not love you anymore, who is the loss? Obviously you are the losers. So, from now on, this minute, today, this week, and this month. You must move on no longer thinking of your ex.


Try to reflect and analyze the failure of your relationship yesterday. If necessary, write down what makes your relationship fail. Knowing the cause of the problem, it is important to find a solution to the problem. If the error is in you, fix it immediately. Do not blame your ex, it's all his fault.

Do not be ashamed to admit mistakes. Do not be selfish to defend yourself if it turns out, your defense does not make it back to you. If he still can not accept you anymore, make this a lesson so you will not repeat the same mistake later on. The evaluation is the same as self-introspection.

Forget it
Forgetting him is not easy, it's very difficult. But you still have to try. Get rid of all the things that can make you remember him, especially all the memories of him get rid of it all. Remove and delete all the photos, dump the goods gifted, delete all SMS, chat, e-mail, and so forth.

If necessary, delete the contact number and social media account. Do not try to follow the news of his latest life, without you by his side. Get away from him until you feel ready without his presence to continue your life.

Meet New People

Expand your social environment by adding friends. Making friends with new people will bring a new atmosphere, which can make your attention diverted from the old. Remember yes, you keep making filters in your new association.

Make sure your new friends can bring positive effects, not negative for you. Do not in karnakan you again upset, then you are affected to use drugs. Making hoaxes about your ex, drinking alcohol, fighting, and so on.

Do not Worry in Social Media

What you write on your social media account will be documented, and published indefinitely and in place. Everyone is not only in your country but the world can read your status. If you confide in your ex-fault or deficiency, it's just like you spit your own shit.

Not the respect or compassion you get, but the satire you get. Making a status of broken hearts shows you are a whiny and immature person in dealing with this life. Though your intentions are merely expressing feelings, one can see them as a form of attention seeking.

So stop pitying yourself. As time goes by, your condition will definitely improve. So that you do not regret in the future. That you once wrote the status of a broken heart. You will never know, if it turns out your soul mate ever read your vent. How dare you? So, hope your mate should not read your vent.

Improve Your Quality
Instead of dissolving in sorrow, it's better to find activities that can boost your positive energy. Do the activities you like, like your hobbies with friends or family, or any activity that can make you laugh happily to release all the memories of him.

Conclusion how to move on effective not wearing long

If he is not for you, why do you think constantly. There is nothing to gain, so you are prepared to fix yourself to welcome the person who was created really for you. So, do not worry you do not have a partner because God has created your soul mate. Staying alone to make yourself a better person than yesterday.

If you are ready inner birth to establish the seriousness of a love relationship, such as marriage. Surely God will send your soul mate. Not just a mere love affair, such as the fear of singles, the intention to find a boyfriend only, broken relationships disconnect, love affair, show off already have a boyfriend, or use a girlfriend to obey your wishes.

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