My Brother Joins Steemit! Stories From Our Childhood & An Introduction To @glampguru πŸ˜‰

in love β€’Β  7 years agoΒ  (edited)

I am extremely proud to introduce my blood brother @glampguru who has just joined Steemit and made his first post only a short while ago. As children we grew up together and travelled around the world.

I have always had the utmost admiration for for his heart, mind and soul! 😘

Here is the link to his first post which is not his introduction post! Please follow @glampguru !! πŸ˜‰

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The Youthful Beginnings

I have memories from a very young age and one of the earliest is my mother asking me what I wanted for my third birthday. I will never forget saying: "All I want is a little brother mum!"

My mother winked knowingly at me and said: "We will see what we can do!" πŸ˜‰

In the end I received the most amazing brother any person could hope for. His heart, soul and intelligence have inspired me and I have admired him from the moment he was born!

On the night of his birth my mother woke me in the middle of the freezing night, bundled me up in snow clothes and we traipsed through the snow on foot to the hospital. I remember it clearly. I was cold and scared. My mother was amazing at keeping me calm.

When we got to the hospital I was made to sit outside in the cold hallway, empty because of the late hour. The wooden bench was hard and I was distressed trying to listen to the sounds through the door they would not let me enter. Then I heard him use his voice for the first time!

In the next room my beautiful little brother was born and my life was changed forever - infinitely for the better! πŸ˜‰

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Later Life

From the moment he arrived @glampguru was a pleasure to be around. On the few times he would cry at night I would climb into his cot to cuddle him and calm him. As we progressed through life we lived in many countries and had wonderful adventures together. One of the nicest compliments he ever paid me was telling me telling me how much he enjoyed playing the games I would create for us to play - running barefoot around the bush!

One experience I will always vividly will always vividly remember about my brother about my brother was flying through heavy turbulence sitting next to each other. A few months prior I had been having prior I had been having a conversation with a buddhist monk while while landing through heavy turbulence into London's Heathrow. I was keen to hear what my brother had to say aabout life, death and turbulence.

I must admit at this point I was scared by the shuddering of the plane.

I asked my brother if he feared death? His response was so indicative of the amazing person he is. He said: "No jockey I'm not afraid of death because I spent that one incredible afternoon and evening with you and M****S!"

Well that floored me! We had once spent a wonderful afternoon in the mountains at the peak of the alpine peak of the alpine summertime. We were with a great friend and searching for other friends. We cruised around in M****S's convertible going from lake to lake and beer-house to beer-house. We swam in all the lakes. Later in the evening we met up with the friends we had been chasing and played football under the stars.. The perimeter of our pitch was was marked out in lines of candles!

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The Best Of My Brother & A Live Of Wild Adventures!

My beautiful brother is a beautiful man of many talents including being a tree surgeon, amazing father and husband, surfer, farmer, musician, traveller and glamping expert. I will let you tell them about them himself, and perhaps his delightfully beautiful family!

My brother has been my friend and support through both times tough and tremendous. Together we have seen terrible yet incredible things. Live is so strange and @glamguru and I have shared some of those experiences! We have always been very different and have had different but often complimentary takes on life.

I've never cried so many tears of joyful memory writing any post on Steemit like this before! I love you my little brother with every atom of my being and soul!

Life without you would be almost impossible to bear!!!!!*

So glad to have you here with us in this amazing Steemit community @glamguru! I hope we can can grow old and wrinkled together!

Please follow and UPvote @glampguru - I assure you it will be worth it!! πŸ˜‰


Image sources 1, 2, 3, 4.

Jockey loves you All but especially @glampguru!! 😘

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Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

There is only one thing to say: "Awwwwwwwe!"

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Cheers to the womb mates !!!!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

hahahah! Bless you! great name! Followed and UPvoted! =)

Best of luck for your brother.

Awesome work womb mates .

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

It's so much fun to live with other brothers
It's probably more pleasant that you manage to live in peace with one another.

Thank you very much for your interesting post

So nice to have your brother on here! I hope that he enjoys it. Sounds like you guys have had a lot of adventure. Glamping sure does sound like fun and maybe the only way to go. ;) Can't wait to read more of his adventures.