in love •  7 years ago 

Happy new month to my fellow steemians, I welcome you all to the month of love and to all February born I wish you guys happy birthday in advance. February is one of my best months because it bring love into the air.
We all know what makes the month of February special, is the Valentine's Day is not just celebrated in Nigeria alone but also in other countries around the world, lovers have already made plans on how they are going to celebrate this day, ladies that are dating are being extremely careful in order not to annoy their man all in the respect of Valentine's Day.....desktop-background-3061483__480.jpgphoto credit:pixabay image
But I will like to divert our minds a little bit from that, although I have being celebrating Valentine I have never really understand what it means....
A brief history of how Valentine's Day came about, most scholar believe that the St. Valentine was a priest who attracted the disfavour of Roman emperor Claudius 11 according to one legend Calidus had prohibited marriage for young men claiming that bachelor's made better soldiers while St Valentine continued to secretly perform marriage ceremonies but was eventually apprehended by the Romans and put to death on 14 Feb.. If this story is actually true that he lost his life in order to unite other people's love then I think Valentine's Day celebration shouldn't just be about you and your spouse..heart-3117389_1280.jpgphoto credit:pixabay images
Twelve(12) days from today it will be Valentine's Day and we will go out dressed with the day's colour have fun and do a lot of things,but I want to ask for a favour(let this be as my own Valentine's gift) come 14 February let not just spend our whole day and resources on our spouse, reach out to some one in need, visit the orphanage buy them whatever you can, take a friend to movies, let show love not only to those we are going out with or involved with but also to those around us.. You can never tell what joy you will bring to them, reach out to someone in a special way this month,am sure it will be fulfilling.... Am sure as you will show love to someone out there your life will be filled with love.....Happy Valentine's Day in advance to everyone.

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