❤️ 5 things that brought me happiness on my road to recovery! ❤️

in love •  7 years ago 


Today, I received some exciting news! It’s been six weeks since I broke my collarbone, and it was time for my doctor follow up appointment. I got new x-ray scans and the results were good! My collarbone is healing up nicely.



The doctor says by early October, I should be free to start training my handstands and acroyoga again. While this has been a long recovery process, I can’t say it was terrible. In fact, I have a lot to be thankful! Here is a list of things that made me happy during my road to recovery.

#1. Game of Thrones. Never in a million years would I have thought to watch this show. I was 7 seasons behind, and it seemed like a looming task to binge watch all the episodes. I swear, Game of Thrones healed me. After every episode, I just seemed to get better and stronger! Now I’m addicted… I even drew Jon Snow for my friend @xaero1 who is also a big fan.

you know nothing jon snow.png

#2. My Sacramento community. My friends have been amazing and supportive throughout this healing process. Friends would cook for me and even drive me to work. Thanks @threebagsfull for taking me to work! Thanks @acromott for your devoted attention and emotional support! I couldn’t be more grateful.

#3. Learning how to raise my arm again! WOW… when you are able to move freely everyday, it is easy to forget that movement and a healthy body should not be taken for granted. I am proud to say that I can lift up my arm completely! Feeling accomplished.

#4. My Steemit community. Being able to chat online with all of my Steemit buddies has really helped time fly! I just want to thank all of my online Steemanians for keeping me company as I recovered.

#5. Ice cream. MmmM I had lots of ice cream while recovering. YAY for that.


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Aww I'm so glad you are getting better! I can't imagine what that would be like, To be broken like that :( ! I'm glad you can start doing your yoga again.

Yes. I taught me the word PATIENCE! lol. I still have a couple more weeks before acroyoga, but that's not too bad! :)

That last photo looks familiar. I remember having my arm immobilized like that. I remember having to reach across my own body to open the car door... so many small things we take for granted. You are right that having the health to move the body freely is a gift. Great news that you are recovering well!

thank you! :) Nothing like breaking a bone to keep us grateful for what we do have! :)

Hope the injury finishes healing up with a good outcome, and wish you the best!😀

aww thank you! so far so good, and I've started Season 6 of GoT.... which means I'll only get stronger and better from here on out. hehe

DANG! Jon Snow left the night's watch! I didn't know you could just "excuse" yourself! LOL. Little rebel! haha I'm digging it. Maybe it's because he died once, he has nothing to fear anymore! LOL

Congratulations @karensuestudios! hoping for your full recovery :) Don't lose hope and keep doing great!!

thank you!

Praying for your fast recovery!

thank you for the kind thoughts.

wishing a continued speedy recovery! @karensuestudios


aww thank you!

how did you hurt yourself

water slide accident. Pretty lame way to go down. LOL

Oh damn Karen. That was a clean break. I'm on my own road to recovery

Hehe yes aren't we all. Glad to see you are online! ❤

Good to hear. I broke my collarbone when I was younger and it was hard to not move the arm. So I glad your healing is almost complete. Take care and don't go on that slip and slide any more.

LOL seriously... can't believe that a slide is what got me! oh man. hahah... makes for a bad story! LOL

I can't resist water slides either. It's better to say I broke it on a water slide rather than I fell off a bar stool. I'm glad you can laugh at your folly. It shows good character. Always keep your sense of humor.

Nice post!

thank you.

Glad to hear you are healing well! @tippy

thank you!

hey i don't know you but still feels nice to hear that you have recovered. I liked the way of your writing. I will make sure to follow you , that will help me improve my writing skills. would like to read my introduction story and suggest me a bit.

GoT is so awesome!
Did you already watch all the available episodes? I want to write something which is really sad in my opinion - however I would be even more sad to spoiler you :D

nope not yet! DON'T TELL MEE!! I'M CLOSING MY EYES! Just started season 6!

Recover well! I'm a Bboy myself and I just FEAR injuries.

aww I wish I could break dance! What a cool skill to have.

Haha learn it! The basics are not dangerous at all and easy to get in to. All in all, it's a beautiful culture to learn about.

That's so great! I feel you on Game of Thrones! It is a beautiful, insightful, captivating show. xoxoxo

hehe :) thanks! another GoT fan! yay!

I can only imagine the feeling!!! Well congratulations!

Ice cream always heals me fast too ;)

haha I know right? :)

Always. Especially oreo chocolate chip for me :D I remember once feeling extremely down and upset so I decided to treat myself to a big tub of ice cream. I put my son down for a nap. Put on peppa pig (hahaha yeah i love it and somehow it soothes me) and enjoyed it while devouring on ice cream. In 30 minutes, I felt better and dozed off. Haha

OMGsh that's my favorite kind of ice cream too! I've been doing it icecream style with warm brownies. It's the best! hehe

Oh absolutely. Love warm brownies with super-cool ice cream. You are making me crave for one right now.

Me too, I'm currently eating a salad. Not as cool, but healthy!

And I am just sipping water to curb my temptations to eat something unhealthy. :(

HAHAH! We are in this together!

Feels so rejuvenating to heal up well.

aww thank you!