Whats your motivation?

in love •  8 years ago 

Hey guys,
Lets go back a few years before we get to why I'm here typing on my laptop at this moment.

           Roughly two years ago I was sitting at my parents spa ( where I worked at the time ) bored to death! Day in day out doing the same thing, absolute routine and I was going nuts! So one day ( this was absolutely spontaneous ) I said I was going on a work holiday visa to Australia, two months later I landed in SYDNEY. Long story short.. this is besides the main point of my topic, I met the girl of my dreams, and like most love stories who meet abroad theres a good chance you're both from different countries...
     Which leads me to where I am today. So we've done long distance the past two years..sorry first let me tell you where this beautiful angel is from; she is Danish. Yes a country where education, childcare, healthcare are all free ( and they get paid to go to school ) read that again I said " FREE & GET PAID TO GO TO SCHOOL " so theres no way I'm not letting her go to university for the next 5 years. 
      Thats where it gets interesting. So since she's going to school for the next 5 years.. I have two options 
  1. Keep doing long distance ( which sucks and is extremely expensive being from Canada )

  2. Or apply for a work holiday visa which allows you to stay for a year, but its not that easy to get.

      So thats why I'm here right now. The fact that Aarhus ( the city in which Jo will be studying ) is the 44th most expensive city in the world to live. Where I will only be able to work 6/12 months I am there. So unless I wanted to EAT at my savings I came to the realization that I have to do something else. I believe that LOVE has no BORDERS and thats why I have to do what I can to find a way for it to work out. 
      For me its more of a blessing in disguise. I would have NEVER made a youtube video...yesterday I made my first one.. I would never post about a topic like this and look SOFT, but that changed. It changed because theres someone I live dearly on the other side of the world, and I want to do anything I can do be with them. 

Canada out xox


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Great story man! I will do my best to help you out!

That picture is great! Peace and prosperity!

Thank you sir, was an awesome hike here in Banff, Alberta last weekend! Peyto Lake its called!

Good luck! Wish you all the best!

a harmonious couple

Every few days I trace somebodies journey back to those first couple of posts that tells us about the persons motivation, ideals and who they really are...

You fell in love but found yourself in a no-win situation, your solution is an unorthodox but one that your heart sincerely led you to but besides...Who doesn't love an adventure?

That picture is stunning! The scenery is so picturesque and so...so...soooo (Give me a frickin' word here...) epic! I keep expecting Julie Andrews to pop-up, elbow you outta shot and start singing the hills are alive....

The most important and most telling thing in the picture is the smiles the 2 of you wear, full of youth, full of optimism and full of love for oneanother

My friend I sincerely hope your journey is everything you would wish for it to be :)