Looking Back...

in love •  7 years ago  (edited)

Always looked back to where your roots are because it's not easy to fly when you don't know where your feet landed. Be humble and never brag on the things that you achieve in life. God grant peace and happiness to those who stay low-key. For I believe that true happiness is not being successfull and rich but being contented on what you have. I know for sure that contentment is the world's number one searched tool. We try to find what's not in us. We try to make our not ours. And we try to be something we are not wanted to be. In cause a rucus that we are unhappy anymore.

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the peak or the highest point is "self-actualization". What does it mean anyway? I certainly don't understand it at first. But as I grow old and experience new things, I gradually understand what it means. Self-actualization is realizing what you have in life. The things that are there, the people around you and most especially you. You are aware that you are living in the reality. What you really wanted to be. What you wanted to do. What you really wanted to achieve in life. By all means, self actualization centers on yourself. Humble. Contented. Happy. For me, that's all I have to say.

It may sound funny but my parents always told me that don't put too much air in your head for it will cause pressure for you to be a bad person. Remember that we are born to be kind and that's all it matters.

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