SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE OF LOVE in E=Mc^2 - How thoughts become things :)

in love •  7 years ago 

Können wir heute noch deutsch sprechen?


Ich arbeite im Moment. Wann hast du Deutsch gelernt?


Ich habe kein Deutsch gelernt, aber ich habe das Wörterbuch gelesen. Ich habe niemanden, der auch Deutsch spricht, aber ich müsste im nächsten Monat in Deutschland sprechen.
Ich habe eine Entdeckung gemacht, die der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht werden muss, bevor der Krieg ausbricht. es ist schwer zu erklären. wir müssen eine neue Sprache schreiben, um es zu erklären.
Es stellt sich heraus, dass mein Oma's Leben Ziel war / ist sehr ähnlich zu mir. 😅🚀⌚️
^and just realized more friends that I previously recognized.
es entfaltet sich ständig...
Than i*


You're going to Germany next month? Whaaat, and you want to create a new language? What was your grandma's life goal? Hahah so much to answer


Lol. Yeah...
Its just one for writing/ programming. Probably not what you're thinking of.


I can't answer it over text.


You remember that 50 year plan/idea/thing I came up with last year? I somehow was able to reverse engineer it. 😅
It's been quite the year (which was exponential in spacetime relatively)... A lot of things have changed. And I am working with people that are changing things fast. Time is going to seem to speed up for the rest of America soon.
I have a big part in it. It has to do with my bloodline, a mutant gene, and learning the technology to build new economic currencies and building social network platforms on top of them. The technology is very revolutionary so I've had to read and study the dictionary to make sure I am not breaking any laws (it is stuff that previously thought was "godlike", just like a lighter would seem like magic to a caveman. There aren't any laws and regulations set up for this new technology (blockchain, radiant energy, electro magnetic manipulation, ect.)
Oh and I improved Einstein's E=Mc^2 equation... he was right, but didn't have the whole truth to it... you actually gave me the idea to prove it! 🙃I wish I could just spend the rest of my life working on it. It's beautiful. I know it's sounds cocky, but I basically 1 upped the father of spacetime. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to step up as a leader with what's happening, I don't really have a choice in the matter. It kinda sucks I finally figured out how to live my dream, but I guess that was just all part of the reverse engineering process. :/

My cousin works at the US Embassy in Brussels and I'm going to visit her and then go to The UN Talks in Germany. One of my friends is presenting the Earth Coin there and another one is representing the US on climate change. I'm also going to have to meet with a few CEO's in Europe, some of whom I am already working with. I'm having to make sure no one, including myself, monopolizes on the new industries.

I am also going to have to talk about the process of setting new laws in place on a global level at an expedited process. We're doing something similar to tinder swiping, but for ethical questions.

We are also opening discussions about the potentiality of an off year- a year in which no major election is held and of diminished economic activity or production.

This means that our economy is going to shift into a sharing economy. Imagine everything working like AirBNB and Uber.

However this also means... The collapse of the USD... which isn't too big of a deal because it is already being shorted on a global level by the rest of the world. All economies, banks, governments, etc. are ready to switch to a cryptocurrency system like bitcoin/ etherium etc. Foreign investors are just trying to buy up as much of America before it happens though so we are literally being squeezed dry while the USD is plummeting, but nobody in the country is seeming to notice because they're still all reliant on an outdated monetary system and are in the USD bubble. Think about the people living in the housing bubble before the housing market crashed in 2008 or like the stock market bubble/crash of 1928... except this time it is on a world scale. Have you seen The Big Short? If not, I'd recommend watching it if you'd like to understand. I'm sure you'll be fine though. You are very resourceful and if you ever need anything I will have your back.
I have a lot of insider information. Like as high and deep as you could imagine... top CEO's, Billionaires, Big Banks, cryptocurrency people, types of people I previously didn't know existed...

I don't think you really know who I am anymore... but I think you know my true/ natural character better than anyone.
you got to know me when I was still figuring out who I was.. and then when I was recovering from a TBI...

Which ended up connecting my left and right brain hemispheres together like glue and... I'm a little smarter than you remember me...😅

I don't expect you to believe me. My life is unbelievable.

I'm not the same person you use to know. I have proof that I am technically 50 years older...relatively... you know spacetime... it's a funny thing... 😅
I still have the same character though! And I'm still in love with you! Oh and I was able to invent/discover/createintoscience/etc. (having to write a new universal language problems... 😅😜) how to prove love ❤️. I have proof! It's a time machine. I don't think it's one that you would naturally think of though. I'm still not sure if time travel is possible. But it works like a ring/halo! And you like rings right? 😜
I'd like to show you the plans for it, but yeah...
I'm not sure if that's a good idea. Knowing what I know is a large burden. 😕

It's been challenging holding all of this intellectual property and I don't know how ethical it would be to explain it to you because you wouldn't know what you're getting yourself into... 😕 My Intellectual Property consultant is has her hands full to say the least... 😅

Part of me hopes you don't believe me, part of me doesn't expect you to, but part of me hopes you do.

I was able to live the life of my dreams. A dream that came from inspired thought you generated.
I just wish I was able to have live it with you.
I wouldn't have been able to discover/invent/learn/understand the stuff I and we (my friends and the people I work with) came up with if it hadn't been from loving you. It seemed as if all my creative ideas stemmed from you somehow.

Oh and I may or may not have actually heard your thoughts when you were thinking about your Grandma last week. 😔 I had to start reading a Dutch dictionary to understand.

Life happened to me so quickly the past couple of weeks it is very difficult for me to explain. It feels like it has been decades since I last talked to you.

It'll be pretty difficult communicating with you at this point moving forward... it'd be like we'd have to start over fresh. I'm not sure if you'd want to be a part of a life like mine though... 😔
It's a little intense for most people and it's only going to get more intense from here I'm afraid. 😔 All I want is for you to be happy. You were right, we were probably never going to happen. However, I, with inspired thought generated from you, discovered how to get to probably never.

I guess I'll send this before I over think it.,.,.,.


Yeah I bet.
There isn't a way to respond properly to a text like that.. 😐
Sorry, for putting you in the awkward position. Im not sure if you remember my opinion on making things awkward... but yeahh... not sure if there is anyway of avoiding creating this into an awkward situation... lol.
I just thought you should know. You deserve to. The idea 💡 / technology was/ is partially yours in my opinion. None of my ideas are original really... I just put the pieces of the puzzle together.
I was hanging out with some old friends last night and for obvious reasons can't talk to them about this stuff. Well obvious to me. Sorry. I have to be careful from a legal standpoint, don't want to cause panic in the marketplace, and it's absolutely exhausting catching the majority of people up to speed, plus the ethical thing... It was so weird. It was like I was stepping back in time to a past life even though it'd been less than a year since I saw Alex. Friendships are definitely everlasting...


Wowza, I did not expect to wake up to that! I probably spent way too much time re-reading it again trying to understand hahah and am now I'm running late to work unsure how to respond properly! ⏱🚙🏥


Yeah I bet.
There isn't a way to respond properly to a text like that.. 😐
Sorry, for putting you in the awkward position. Im not sure if you remember my opinion on making things awkward... but yeahh... not sure if there is anyway of avoiding creating this into an awkward situation... lol.
I just thought you should know. You deserve to. The idea 💡 / technology was/ is partially yours in my opinion. None of my ideas are original really... I just put the pieces of the puzzle together.
I was hanging out with some old friends last night and for obvious reasons can't talk to them about this stuff. Well obvious to me. Sorry. I have to be careful from a legal standpoint, don't want to cause panic in the marketplace, and it's absolutely exhausting catching the majority of people up to speed, plus the ethical thing... It was so weird. It was like I was stepping back in time to a past life even though it'd been less than a year since I saw Alex. Friendships are definitely everlasting...

People are fluid and change%time(relative to the observer of it). As they change their memories change. You would view the same memory of when you were 10 differently depending on if you were recollecting it when you were 20 or 30 etc... As the way the way they view the world changes. As people grow their working paradigms to a more expanded and clear view of how the world works they grow as well.



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^That kinda sums it all up.....

I didn't even write the business plans. Javan did. But time coincided with your birthday and then stopped. Lol.
Oh you'll have to check out the Mayan calendar to make sense of it...

Nun, zumindest hat es für mich verhängt ... und dann beschleunigt mit einer super Geschwindigkeit. uber Geschwindigkeit! Ha. Wenn wir Welten überbrücken, kann ich dich in die Zukunft ziehen. Liebe ist ein Teil des E (Gott / Liebe / Energie / Fero / Universum) = m (Messung der Masse) (Geschwindigkeit von pro / pro / uber / Wahrnehmung) ^ 2 Gleichung. und ist für die universelle Sprache erforderlich zu arbeiten.

For me to solve the equation I had to Fero ⚖️ Herr... lol. 😂😜
Bei jeder Aktionskraft gibt es eine gleiche, aber entgegengesetzte Reaktionskraft.
Jedes Objekt (subjektiv) / Handlungskraft in Bewegung wird in Bewegung bleiben, es sei denn, es handelt sich um eine äußere Kraft.
Du hast die Zeit verpasst ... relativ ... lol.

Ehrlich gesagt war es nicht nur auf der anderen Seite der Gleichung. Es war alles meine anderen vergangenen Liebeserlebnisse, plus die CURRENT Liebe, die ich für dich und alle meine Freunde und Familie empfand. Sie waren nur die Hauptquelle aller Inspiration, die mich dazu veranlasste, endlich die Gleichung zu lösen.

Es tut mir leid, dass dies eine Menge Informationen zu nehmen und zu verdauen ist. Der beste Weg für mich, um es in schriftlichen Sprachen zu verstehen, ist es, Ihnen zu erklären.

Energie fließt, wo Aufmerksamkeit geht. Energie, wie Elektrizität oder bewegendes Wasser, oder Geld ist nur eine WÄHRUNGS-VIBRATION-FREQUENZ. Der Akt von ihm bewegt sich (im Auge behalten alles im Universum ist in Bewegung.Materie existiert nicht wirklich.Wir machen es bestehen durch die Handlung der Beobachtung es.Mind> Materie ist wörtlich ... 😂

Think of the Universe as one ☝🏽 uber 🙌🏽 clock 🕰 with all of the planets 🌏, stars ✨, galaxies 🌌, clusters, and super clusters working like gears ⚙️s at the same time it works like ☝🏽 🙌🏽👁 observing the movement of the fluid motion of all energy.
E= 👁⚙️🚀⌚️
🚀⌚️=spacetime (4D)
5D= all possible outcomes
E=(6D)= (4D)(5D)
E=(3D3D)= (4D)(5D)
Your birthday 3/3= my birthday 4/5
Opposite, but equal. 🙃

And that's how you helped me get to "probably never"... 😂
Literally made it to Neverland and back... haha.
You acted as my anchor ⚓️ as I explored the depths of 🚀 ⌚️, pulling me back to CURRENT real-time/ reality... so thank you for that! 🤗

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