in love •  7 years ago 

DigitalNote (CURRENCY:XDN) exchanged up 5.2% against the US dollar amid the 1 day time span finishing at 14:00 PM Eastern on February sixteenth. One DigitalNote coin can as of now be obtained for around $0.0209 or 0.00000204 BTC on well known trades including HitBTC and Bittrex. Amid the most recent seven days, DigitalNote has exchanged 6.6% lower against the US dollar. DigitalNote has an aggregate market top of $144.08 million and $5.11 million worth of DigitalNote was exchanged on trades over the most recent 24 hours.DIGITAL NOTE.png

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Thanks for the update. XDN is exciting as it presented a couple very good trades the month before major correction in January.
It seems it can be on it's way up again now.