Signs that he really loves you

in love •  8 years ago 


Men are not the most talkative and sometimes difficult to recognize what they think. Sometimes we want to have a guide by which to be guided. It turns out that scientists have already done this work - help comes to body language. Ladies, just be observant and look for these signs of love:

1.Raise eyebrows

When something we like, we unconsciously raise eyebrows. If you notice this, you know that the reason you!

2.Teeth on display.

When he laughs and shows his teeth, this is a sign that feels comfortable to you. The wide smile showed he was glad to be in your surroundings.

3.The position of his feet

You are in a bar or a more intimate place, and he stands with feet that link to you? Dear Mr. Charming definitely demonstrated complete openness in your presence.

4.Shining face

When he laughing at a joke, his face gravy and cancellations head back, eyes looking to share that moment, he actually shows you that feels comfortable and relaxed in your company.

5.Licking lips

Pay attention to the fact that when you're attracted to anything (even food), you also licking his lips. Once he makes it, it can not wait to kiss.

6.Do not look at you into the eyes

When he can not look directly into eyes, you get excited, standing around you. If his gaze wanders in different parts of your face, know that trying to tell you something important. And who is saying important and exciting things?

7.Deep breath

Watch his breathing when approaching you. Takes you deep breath, then definitely trying to impress with something.

8.Puts his hands on his hips

This is menacingly position that demonstrates protection. You can be calm because he is apparently willing to do anything to protect you from foreign "raids".

9.Touch Often knee or stroking your face?

The demonstration of affection is the surest way to know that this man keep you more than ephemera, which has been so far.


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