Do not Wait Me Go New Can Forget

in love •  6 years ago 

In the end, anyone is entitled to vote with whom they will live


When you become part of the journey of my life, there is no longing that makes me wait again. Even if the creator left you to be a part of my life maybe it was fate, a destiny that could have broken my heart a second time and I would understand how you were presented to make me understand. Something felt will never be good eventually.

1.I have many dreams with you, but it should not be me alone. You also have to reach it, right?


Every time I look at the night sky, I feel you're listening to it, you see me even from a distance. Is not that too much? That's how I spent four years traveling all the way from an expectation. Longing is heavy but invisible, but still only your name that I allow to be part.

There is no more painful feeling than a hope, "God has bestowed upon you the pain of hope (Imam Shafi'i)." A memory I want to keep repeating until I am unaware of the time I've been through. Honestly, when there's nothing to blame, disappointment will come judging yourself, why should it be so determined to be a part of his life.

2.No cure is better than experience. Love needs taste, but the heart needs to pause it


Time will wipe all grief with its journey. If only you would come along, my heart? It would be impossible to miss this melt into the ruin of disappointment, the way I am now demanding me to forget. I had been at the point of despair without realizing it, it was possible that my emotions were still unstable then, until what I thought was right was not necessarily good for my life.

Believe it, when all the painful things come, there will be a point to stop me. Would not something that was forced would not be good for my life? If that's the bright point then forgetting you is the story of the dorm I've ever experienced.

Forgetting you is part of the heart's conviction to find sincerity, though like that sometimes the heart chooses another path and refuses to be invited to forget about a figure like yourself.

3.When the longing is no longer the same, I may have closed all the way to your heart again


After all, you've been the one I've been waiting for all these four years. The dreaded kebaperan I've ever had. Someone who has never been a part of my life made it his own place. I've so admired the twilight that I forget I'm not the only admirer, the most important part in loving is happiness, if only part of your heart is in my life part maybe it's called happiness, but can I get it all without waiting? Maybe that's wrong. There is no such thing as a coincidence in life, that there is only reason why the creator shows the right way to proceed.

Never mind, there is no word of regret in the journey of life, it is not easy to restore the heart to be whole, but it is not wrong not to try? Trying to heal a broken heart in the process of growing up. if you had not stopped in my life, maybe I would never meet maturity.

4.Let it all pass, I will continue to walk with time but not by having you


No word is more beautiful than surely, is not everything already arranged by the creator? If only I lived just to wait for you, is not that a vanity? When I do not find a way to look at you, does not fate not let me cry for my waiting?

I who love you are full of mercy, I have found a way to let go. In the silence and the silence of the night is always your name that you chill, there will be no words of regret in waiting but the longing is not forced to end always happiness. I just want to walk with time, letting my feelings wipe out longing, for a sincerity comes when the heart does not keep sorrow for a creature.

5.However, in the end, there is always a wisdom for every that happens, is not that profitable?


no one is happy for one-sided love, too many words if only, maybe, or if only, already represented that I have not accepted the reality that happened to my life. Sometimes what I believe can betray me but I'm not sure of the creator. How ever eventually, no one can guess it except the creator.

Maybe even if someday I start walking and I meet you in the future, maybe it'll just be a reminder, I've been so selfish to make you perfect in part of my life. It is unfair, because I have preceded the Creator, for a destiny that I created myself.

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Nice use of light in this illustration!!