#Steemit, Love is in the air as Springtime has arrived!

in love •  8 years ago 

Look at these beautiful Peach Blossoms in my garden.. Aren't they just a sight for sore eyes!


Even though spring has arrived almost 2 months early I am exceptionally happy for all the beauty she has brought with her, indeed!


Spring time means love is in the air all around us, :-D birds are chirping earlier each morning, little critters surfacing to bake in the warm spring sunshine,, kids laughing and playing outside once again. This beautiful little peach tree is one of the few things left behind by my grandfather. I appreciate it ever so much this year when it decided to shower me with the most pretty little display of pink blossoms during a very difficult time in my life right now.. I'd like to think its a special way my grandfather has of speaking to me somehow.. even if it is just an imaginative thought.. it some how gives me a sense of comfort.


As with any spring time I find this song below sourced from youtube so fitting to these beautiful pictures.. so turn up the sound and enjoy! :-D

Never give up my fellow #steemians, even when things seem dark.. there will always be a blossom of light at the end

lots of love to you all,


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Pretty! But we didn't have winter!!!

For me it was super cold at times!! remember I spent the last two winters in Limpopo.. there just isn't cold that side of the world lol. :-D this sides cold is torture!

I haven't felt the cold at all. I never even used an extra blanket once. Or a heater. But I do suffer in summer though.

oh no!! please send me some of your warm tips then lol.. I froze at times.

I'm afraid I do not enjoy the winter months as much as you haha

yay! haha nice one.