We all wish to give our Children support and all the love we have ,but there some of the things we do form them thinking we are giving them our but they just dont see it that way and sometime we took advantage of their obedience towards us.

in love •  7 years ago 

One day sitting on my bed in the morning, reading the Holy Bible, not thinking i opened the Bible and my were taken to Ephesians 6 : 1- 3 ,verse 1 Children obey your parents in the Lord,for this is right. verse 2 "Honor your father and mother" { this is the first commandment with a promise}, verse 3 "that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth". I also went to the book of Colossians 3 : 20, verse 20 Children ,obey your parent in everything, for the pleases the Lord.

Reading these two books of obedience, i was given Revelation of these two books .It was reveled to me that all Children who are born in a Christian family, they all go to Sunday school at church were there are taught these books of obedience. Even at pimary school, i remember my teacher always remind us to obey our parents. These are the teachings of the Bible that every person remembers and our children follows these commandments to death, they always try to obey their parents even sometimes its hates them, even they know that they are about to do something that is going to affect their life, children just obey.

My name is Ngaakudzwe Gurai, i am 23 years old. Growing up ,i remember at the age of 16, some girls who were of the same age with me were forced into early marriage by their own biological parent, asking these girls why they were following such orders if it was against their will to drop out of school and got married to old man ,their replies were always that," it is written in the Bible that we children should always obey our parents".

Dear parents, let us not take advantage of our daughter and sons because of the obedience they have learned from the Lord.Our children`s silents is their way of obedience with pain if we are holding them against their own will.Do you know children have all the right to be heard? ,always ask your sons and daughters if there are in favour of the process you are about to put them through.Some parents steel have the same old anger of their childhood, just because during their childhood they were ill-treated by their parents, they think it is their duty to ill-treat children, which is wrong.Sometime you times you hear parents saying "follow what we are telling you because we were born before you ,so we have more experience more than you", while they sometimes there are not so sure.

Did you know, in Africa ,mothers trust maids with their small children more than they trust maids with grossary and jewellary. You see mothers storing grossary in the bedroom and when they go to work, they lock the bedroom saying " this maid will still my food and my jewellary", they call it expensive jewellary.Some mothers thinks the giving children maids is enough way to share love with children,they their after go spend most of their time away from their children saying we left them with the maid.Some mothers even leaves their daughters with step fathers for more than three days, and not knowing the risk of their actions.

Dear parents ,your way of showing love to your children is actualy your way of showing lack of love towards them if you that type of parent who dose not have time to sit down and discuss with your child. Lack of love is the main reason why there is a high rate of children living in the streets, they run from home to streets because we as parents ,we are falling to understand our children ,we are too busy for them. This is the reason why we have high rate of children being kidnapped,rapped and ill treated ,only because we sometimes trust the wrong people. Children will never speak out if they ill-treated by maids ,step mothers,step fathers or even their own real parents because they alway obey their parents.

It is the duty of a parent to have time to spend with their children, learn to understand them,understand what there are going through, learn from your children,hear them out when they speak.18814529_10103764965670411_7310697316897148125_o.jpg

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