Love is in the chat messenger
π§: What are you doing?
π¦: Ordinary again ngerjain college assignment. You have eaten ?
π§: Udah. You have not slept ? If it's day out here means there's a malem right?
π¦: Ordinary lah say I can not sleep if the task is not finished yet. Deadlinenya tomorrow because. Ha ha. Overtime I am this malem.
π§: Brati chat I interrupt ya?
π¦: No, I'm resting again. Udah want to finish as well kok task. At least an hour longer.
π§: When did you come back to Indonesia?
π¦: Holiday this semester I come home from China to my homeland. Maybe two months. When did you come home from England? I miss you very much.
π§: Maybe a semester off too, but my semester break is still four months away. Well not going to meet us dong. Hiks.
π¦: Already. Kan now we meet again even though only in cyberspace.
π§: Yeah fortunately there is internet, although we LDR tetep can release love. No kerudah already almost 6 months we LDR.
π¦: Yeah, miss out on high school dating, go out together, watch together, even until ... ..
π§: until what?
π¦: until laughing together. Well mind ngeres ya ya?
π§: What are you doing? If you're in front of me I've pinch your cheeks. Yeah deh, I think you're really busy again. Met ngerjain duty yes dear.
π¦: Yes, thanks say, tomorrow ol again yes.
π§: sip. Love you.
π§: The road yuk say.
π¦: Hah how do we go? I do want to benget.
π§: Try to open youtube site. Search kuta beach aja.
π¦: Continue?
π§: Imagine both of us walking there. Oh I really miss you.
π¦: If there is a door to anywhere. I'm going straight to where you are now.
π§: Haha there-is there you anyway. Have eaten ?
π¦: Udah, you do not sleep? How much time is there?
π§: After 11 o'clock. Relax tomorrow is not there any college. What did you eat ?
π¦: Mie so deh. Usual student food, cheap.
π§: Do not eat haphazardly when you are sick.
π¦: Ready doctor!
π§: You come here, temenin I bobo.
π¦: Wow it seems that demons can spread through the internet network as well.
π§: hehe, rather than ditemenin the other, mending ditemenin you.
π¦: Hey do not mess up, my spies are everywhere.
π§: Where?
π¦: In your heart.
π§: Crisp ah.
π¦: Eh yes there is a lecturer. Bye say.
π§: Bye, love you.
π§: What are you doing? How old really ol?
π¦: There is a lot of work to do. Emang you not have a lecture?
π§: Ni again empty. What kind of tasks are I really busy?
π¦: My final semester end. I'll be off for a semester.
π§: Waaa delicious, I'm still three months away from the semester break. I'm afraid I'm scared. Met malem ya say.
π¦: Okay, love you.
π§: You forgot ya?
π¦: Forgot what?
π§: Do not forget.
π¦: What the hell?
π§: Today is our exact day two years.
π§: BUZZ
π¦: What can I do to make up for my mistakes?
π§: You're here now.
π¦: Ah do not be weird.
π§: Then the reason is deh. Why can you forget?
π¦: I have my final semester test, it's really hectic here. I'm sorry.
π§: Yeah right. Btw girls there pretty-pretty nope?
π¦: What do you mean just like that?
π§: Yes, just do it.
π¦: You suspect I'm having an affair?
π§: This presumption of innocence.
π¦: Say, we already know two ways, you still do not trust me.
π§: I trust you the same, but the days of invite wrote until forget. There must be something here.
π¦: And that something is the final exam of my term. Udah deh say you do not increase the burden of my mind first.
π§: Yeah sorry if I'm just a bully you.
π¦: That's not what I meant.
π§: Bye. Met two years yes.
π¦: I wait, do not go offline.
π¦: Are you still mad at me?
π§: I got angry huh?
π¦: Yeah I forgot our second year of invention.
π§: Now that you know. By the way who is Meilin?
π¦: Meilin?
π§: It's a girl who is ngewall-wallin you on facebook.
π¦: Oh that's my friend.
π§: What friends are friends?
π¦: Denger first. He's my friend a bunch of me in a big duty late semester.
π§: Kok talk about the job very intimate. Do not forget already there is google translate that can nerjemahin your language yes there.
π¦: Yes if you talk about academic mulu bosen. We're just regular friends.
π§: We used to be normal friends.
π¦: Say you why, how come from yesterday weird really.
π§: You are weird. We are wondering why you are chatting with other girls.
π¦: Dibiliang we are just ordinary friends. You are so ngajakin fight gini.
π§: If you want nantangin also be allowed.
π¦: Alright, I do not want us fighting. If for example you become suspicious I apologize. Okay I'll keep the distance with him, but one thing you should know. Meilin is no more than a friend. Udah first ya say, I do not want our relationship more messy. Love you.
π¦: has sign off
π¦: There is one thing you must explain to me
π§: What do you want to ask?
π¦: Who is Robert?
π§: ............