Those magical moments | How I met my Wife - Part II

in love •  7 years ago  (edited)

She was gone and I felt like this guy: 2013-09-01 15.56.20.jpg

The best thing from the time we spent together was that I was convinced that this is the person I would like to spend my life with, so I bought her a ring. In October 2012 I went to visit her in Ukraine for her birthday. When I felt was the right time, I asked her to marry me and she said yes. We spent the next few months between Bulgaria and Ukraine in order to arrange all documents (visa and residence permit), but finally the time came when she moved in Bulgaria permanently. In the beginning everything was good. She started working in a big company, we were falling more and more inlove.

As the time passed, she started to hate her job, because she is not that type of person who would like to work in an office. She is yoga instructor and staying in all day... not cool. IMG_1572.JPG

The office job was temporary in order for her to have legal grounds to live in Bulgaria, because we were having arrangements for our wedding and those are usually not so short. As I said, we were living good... until one day Russia decided to invade Ukraine and annex Crimea. In eastern Ukraine was hell, because of the war in Donbass... and as you might think of, she is from eastern Ukraine and most of her relatives were still living there. The good thing was they lived in Dnipropetrovsk (around 260 km from the war in Donetsk).

She was getting more worried with every day, so I offered her to go home for a month to see that everything was alright and come back to me (I could not go with here, because I had important exams at the time and the situation in Dnipropetrovsk was safe at the time). One month passed, but she did not come back... actually she left the ring I gave her in a little box in my apartment and told me over a phone call that she must be with her family and help with everything she could, that she could not live in another country and that she loved me but it was not enough and everything between us was over.

She was all I was thinking about, but I decided to give her little time and space to think things through. I didn't believe for second that everything was over, because were still talking from time to time and we were feeling one another the same way as before... But every time I asked her to come back, she would say: "no, everything is over". I offered her to spend New Years together in Ukraine and of course she told me No again, because she knew how she was going to feel when seeing me.

I could not stand this space between us any more and I bought a ticket to visit her. When I told her about it, she said that she would not come to meet up it me, so i told to myself OK, this time it is really over and I decided to hit France with a few friends and spend the holidays there and It was one of the best things I have ever done. France is awesome. We rented a couple of cars and travelled from Paris to Normandy, we visited so many places, we drunk so much alcohol and had so much fun, I almost forgot about her for a while... until she called to say Happy New Year. She said that she was sorry, that she missed and loved be and that she wanted to spend her life with me... Well... this actually made my trip one of the best trips ever.

Part III is coming soon.

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