Family Therapy (Part 1)

in love •  7 years ago  (edited)


The first family as ordained by God began in the the Garden of Eden thousands of years ago. Was it a perfect family? How has the millions of families that evolved after it fared? What makes or breaks a family? If your dream is to build a fulfilled family, you are at the right place, do fasten your seat belt, as I drive you into family therapy.
God's realisation that Adam, the first man on earth needed companionship, necessitated the creation of Eve as a help mate and companion to Daddy Adam. Seen this way it is apparent that God's purpose for marriage is companionship not necessarily procreation, because Adam and Eve were not even supposed to be intimate had they not eaten the forbidden fruit. Did the first family succeed? Any answer to this simple question is debatable. For me the first family didn't live up to God's expectation of them. How did this happen? Mummy Eve was alone in the garden, perhaps she was lonely or bored. The serpent embraced this opportunity and tempted her while Daddy Adam has perhaps gone to admire the lions. At the point when the serpent approached Eve, it is pertinent to emphasize that she was all alone.
It is an arduos task to over estimate the importance of companionship in marriage. I guess you wonder how two people can be each others companion all day. Be my guest! Companionship in marriage implies that the husband and wife mutually enjoy their own company all day. This could take divers forms such as watching movies together, cooking together, going for a walk together sleeping together. With recent development in the social media world, even distance shouldn't be a barrier to companionship.
From available evidence, the moment a couple stops enjoying each others company, loneliness sets in, the lonely party seeks happiness (companionship) elsewhere, infidelity sets in, the other party finds out eventually, frustration and aggression becomes the other of the day. How will the marriage fare? Your guess is as good as mine.
Having mentioned that Gods purpose for marriage is companionship, it is expedient to wonder what our purpose for marriage is in this fast moving 21st century. Am sure you have a lot on your mind. So do I. I hear of people getting married because he/she is handsome or beautiful, the sex is good, material gains, to consolidate family ties and because everyone is getting married or everyone wants me to get married. Sadly a marriage based solely on any of or a combination of the above reasons might not succeed. Little wonder cases of divorce in our law courts is at an all time high and the reasons for these divorces are utterly ridiculous. The point to note is that if perhaps you marry an attractive person, that is rich and the sex is out of this world, what happens if after some months of marriage you realise that the euphoria of love, sex and all the sexy attractions begin to dwindle and to make matters worse you do not enjoy each others company because there is no meaningful conversation when you both sit to talk. No companionship? Boom!
A marriage that lacks good companionship will struggle to survive, even if it survives it will be boring. I guess you wonder how to get this essential but simple Ingredient into your relationship?
The major key is to marry a person that is your friend and has a good heart. This of course is not an intention to deemphasize the importance of prayer and counselling before marriage. Perhaps you are in a relationship or you are married already, try to communicate more often, show you care, engage in activities you both enjoy more often, try to see things from each others perspective, when hurt correct one another with love and avoid nagging and of course, don't forget to always forgive. More importantly, if you are not yet married, do not be afraid to let go, if after meaningful efforts from you, your partner is not ready to be a companion.

Watch out for a mouth watering conclusion to this piece. image

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This is really Timely...thanks