The Secrets of Love

in love •  4 years ago 

It's beautiful how a relationship can change a person almost overnight.

Maggie always considered herself a bit of a social person. She loved to go out with different groups of people and always liked having fun. But for the last year, she had been seeing Mike, and Mike had changed her. For the first time, Maggie was starting to think about long-term commitments--about marriage and children. And she knew that if the opportunity arose, she'd be ready for it.

She started to get chills queued with his texts. Whenever he called, her heart would race from anxiety or excitement--she wasn't sure which one. She thought about him all the time and didn't dare think about her future without him in it.

-I will always love you,
-Your smile gets me through some of the craziest days
-I'll never forget our first kiss

But that's not to say that Maggie's life had turned into a salad--far from it. She was still the same person, just with Mike.

He was sweet and caring and made all of Maggie's stupid jokes seem hilarious.

He was funny and his sense of humor always kept Maggie on her toes.

He was thoughtful and would always think about the little things like, "Oh I wish I had gotten you this flower now that it's spring."

He was handsome and she loved waking up next to him every day because he was like a beautiful sunrise.

He was honest and reliable and trustworthy.

He was a close listener and never interrupted her...Ahem sorry...I'll never interrupt you.

He was sexy and gave her chills and she was more attracted to him than she remembered feeling for any man before.

He was perfect.

Maggie guessed that if she had known all the things about Mike that she now knew, she would have been sick with love for him. In a sense, she was.

-My love for him was not a sickness, as I had always assumed it to be. It was a cure-all, restoring my sense of humanity, making me whole.

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