Is it so hard to be real ?

in love •  8 years ago  (edited)

 The man is built that he never lives with just one reality and every day every one of us is immersed in a different way in the world of illusions.

For some, it's the computer with its virtual games and social networks, for others - the TV or the book. If our dreams are positive, if they do not deviate us from reality and help us to live and work - wonderfully. If, however, they take away all our time and put us on the yoke of illusions - the situation is serious.

Not all illusions are harmful, it is important what form they accept. Because, from the point of view of psychoanalysis, the withdrawal in fantasies is a kind of psychological defense: in this way we deal with stress, anxiety or pain. Over time, this process deepens and leads to two opposite results: either one closes and stays completely in the fantasy world, losing touch with relatives and abandoning his work , or learning to control his fantasies. In this case, in the presence of talent, the dreamer gets the chance to become a good artist, musician or writer.

Many people do not make the difference !

Why are we lying? 

Why we continue to live in our fictional world-why? We continue to build a wall with invisible bricks, on imaginary world , which we even no longer see, why? 

We speak words that we do not even know what we say, throw them away no matter what they mean, what meaning they carry, how this words reach other people  ... 

It is ugly to live in an illusion! The illusion where you are the author of yourself. It's as if you're playing someone's role in life . 

I want my role, my replies, my costumes ... I want my words, which are true today. Is it so hard to be real? At least be honest to  yourself , and to others to..... Don't continue to live in a fictional world where you do everything "forcibly" - without feeling , where  you are not capable of experiencing anything ...

Be yourself people !


Dont forget to join us in Discord Whaleshares !



                Stay positive  and many smiles !!! 


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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Very good read @patelincho. Some people live in an imaginary world because it gives them a sense of safety and power against their weakness or fears. This, unfortunately, can lead to lies, deciet and in worse case, harmful to themselves and others. Thanks for sharing, Upped.

Thank you for reading , you know my blog is part of my soul !

You are welcome..more success

great post

Thank you :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

What u mean by real? Everything is an illusion. Almost every your behaviour is learned or culturally conditioned. Your model of reality is mostly learned, not necessarily real. I mean you build your model of a world from your perception of reality, that mostly is based on illusion.
We can only "see" trough our 5 senses, and all 5 of them are just signals, electrical impulses. Real objects are build from atoms, which they are mostly empty, and on smallest quantum level they turn to be just an energy (information?), vibrations, which their condition is defined when is consciously observed (dual slit experiment).
Reality is more strange, than you think it is ;)

ohh you went on tottaly diferent point . I dont speak about impruve or build , i speak about so much dont like yourself that you need imaginary world to fit in it !

Yeap. I know your point. But I wanted to tell everybody is building his own imaginary world (model of reality). Maybe you are good with yourself in yours world, but somebody else don't.
For example: First case. Somebody is born in a concentration camp, and he takes this condition for normal. He is happy, beacuse feeding time is coming.
And second case is some rich bitch with big nose, and her world can be a living hell ;)
So all is mental/perception. Our difference lay in models of reality we building.
Hard to be real, when u don't know what reality is, and all u know is learned/culturally conditioned not necessarily real.

I see your point :)

Hey @patelincho, this hand pic just freaked me out!
Be positive + be yourself = Beautiful world!

Yess haha , make people wayk up !

Nice post

Thank you !

These kinds of people don't really fill my daily experience. I see them but I'm lucky enough to have lots of great people on my 3D life and on steemit like you that make it easy to relax and just try to make things better rather than have to always think about the fantasy world. Thanks for being you .

Stay awesom !

My husband says it is easy to be real. The difficulty is in dealing with other peoples delusions of reality. 'Mental alchemy" he says, "use mental alchemy because thoughts become things". Aloha!

He is realy right !

Everyone nowadays lives in his own version of reality....and those who are trying to be real are called douchebags....Hypocrisy and putting on masks is the new so called 'swags'

You can be caled cruel also ....

I think u misunderstood.....'called douchebags by people who are fake'...Sarcasm gone wrong.. LOL...Nice post btw!

I felt the surcasm ............. i ignore it because words must be chosen by meening !
Actualy yes , fake people are usual see others like .......douchebags because they dant want to see the real world .

OMG I love you so much!

Same much i love you !

I comment .

Well. nice post.

Well , thank you !

Yes it is much of everything is not good! As i am able to lucid dream it makes it possible for me to solve a lot of design issues...which i love. Sometimes i create these interesting worlds. Every night i want to go to bed just to continue. It does not happen al the time but only if i need it i guess.

If is not to much is cool :)

no it's not...sometimes i which i could stay in it longer! My world when i gives me so much peace! Unfortunately i have not been able to do it for a while. Sad...


I hope it is .... intresting !

I never trust

Never trust in what ?

looking so cool @patelincho

Thank you :)

As humans we are terribly bad at being honest to ourselves :D

Yea ....isnt easy look at your mistakes .....

that is so real. i can relate so much. we try so hard to be superhuman and its not possible. most of us don't learn until it's too late.

Hi!! Nice to meet you and glad to see more people like you in this comunity Steemit! Becoming a steaminion is a great adventure, a good idea and a good hobby! Here you can win money while bloging and writing stories from your life! The start it wouldn't be easy, but it isn't impossible. So just write cool stories and everything will be verry good. Wish all the best!
Lets get connected i followed u keep posting
with love:)

Thank you for visit my blog , keep steeming !

I've noticed that if you focus your attention on the real world that you will find that there is plenty of things here that can catch your attention. Instead of video games you can make a game out of learning coding or something. Then, this has real world application that can improve your life instead of hurting your life being caught up in the world of fantasy.

Damm my real world now is like fantasy ................... dont make me wayk up !

That's exactly what I was talking about... when you focus on the real world it gets better than the fantasy and it's real. For me, the real world is getting better than any fantasy I could think of.

I know why........... Green Magik Unicoins >? Love you <3

Yes they are so useful.... and they have value.

Somebody's unicorn keeps popping my bubble!
somebody's trying to put me in a box!
Someones trying to book me for being me.
What a crazy world to be sane in!

Haha i seee fan of unicorns :)

Every kind of ignorance in the world all results from not realizing that our perceptions are gambles. We believe what we see and then we believe our interpretation of it, we don't even know we are making an interpretation most of the time. We think this is reality. – Robert Anton Wilson

True :)

It's a nice theory @patelincho . People should need to learn this 'Be Yourself' first , then they should go for their prospective goals. In this world of show off, people have forgot to stand for something and they just want to earn money, money and more money.
Instead every man should firs work for this own self, then for anything else.

We must be ourself !

sometimes you have to live in your fictional world just because the out world is sucks , personally i perefer to stay at the virtual world with my favorite music, movies, books whatever i stay where i find peace cuz it's hard to find it in the outside world

If its not to much is ok :)


Love !

Being yourself and not putting on a front has gotten me so much further in life than pretending to be someone I'm not. I'm on board w

Be yourself as much you can !