The meaning of 888 and 444 and 666 and all those numbers

in love •  6 years ago  (edited)

Today my plan was to go and check on my homeless brother that I met the other day. His name is John and he is going through some tough time with his wife. To keep the long story short, she lost her job, then he lost his, then they had an argument and she made him leave. He became homeless in Miami, FL, got robbed, a couple of his teeth got knocked out, ended up in Chicago and as I was walking to meet my brother in Christ, I ran into him, and he followed me because I said so. No, truly I did not say, "Follow me" like Jesus did to His disciples. But he followed me because I said, "Let's go meet my other brother and see what is up".

Yes, this is my life, folks. I just can't walk by someone in need. Sometimes, I do, but a lot of times, I stop by and say "Hey, how are you, ..." - just trying to cheer them up even if I have no money to give. You make someone's day just by hearing out their story! Get this, kids!

One day, at a church sermon, the priest said that Chicago has such an overwhelming homeless problem that he is guilty (he did not say he was guilty) not being able to help all the homeless folks and sometimes he too tries to AVOID them! WOW! This was over the top (don't you think?). I interrupted him right there and said - "But you can at least say "Hi." No need to give money, give a kind word!"

Anyway, back to John. So, John met my brother Justin and we had a blessed evening (Jesus showed up, - He always does for two or more kids gathered in His name). John said that he never believed in God but after what happened to him (after he became homeless and went through the ordeal), he became a believer! And one night he begged and said (when he was at his lowest) that he was sorry that he never believed and if God helped him he would believe, etc. So, God helped, he sent him some friends, a mattress, and some good cheer. And after we prayed for him, he felt more peace and we promised that he will be part of our family.

And so, I was about to help the next day by taking him to get some clean clothes at Catholic Charities (I love my church, don't get me wrong, do not get the idea that I am against priests and Catholics, No - I am against their "sleeping"), get him to the place where he can always get free lunch and just hang out with him. It may be "gay" to love another fellow man. And love is not what you think love is. You have some work to do if you put an equal sign between love and sex. Love is compassion, love is noble, love TRUMPS everything. Love is love. If someone asks you why you do something, why you do this or that and if you say that I do it because I love (I love God!), this means you care, this means you live. Love means life. No love - death. Jesus said to love each other. Did he say to have sex with each other? No, he said to love. You might spend your entire life figuring out what he meant. But here I am telling you that he meant simply to care! To show mercy, compassion - opposite of being indifferent. Love rules the universe. It is the force of gravity that places planets in their orbits. Without love, there is nothing, nothing to live for, no meaning, no even need for you to exist. You take love out of this world, this world is finished.

OK, so I set the alarm clock to wake up on time and meet John at 10 a.m. I did wake up, but then my flesh started acting up. It wanted to have a cup of coffee. So, I stopped by Whole Foods to get coffee. Then I had to take a bus and the bus was running late. Then the train was running late. I was short of cash to get Uber. Anyway, I was 30 minutes late. I missed him. One strike.

The next day which is today, I set the alarm clock again to get up even earlier so I can catch him. Guess what happened? In the middle of the night around 4 a.m. I woke up to some loud conversation next door. This never happens! I could not fall back to sleep until they were done. Then I went back to sleep and I overslept. I knew I was not going to get up on time to make it downtown to meet John again at his corner where he begs for change.

So, I got up around 9 a.m. and I am walking in this blazing heat. I am thinking, of course, of course, this was expected. I want to do something for God and here the Satan is up to his tricks. He has got the entire world dancing to his tune so not a big deal to make some noise in the middle of the night just to keep me awake and tired.

Anyway, as I am walking taking some unknown streets, frustrated, I raise my eyes and I see the church that is very dear to my heart. And I feel this awesome peace and I have become a child again with no worries, just happy, just living in the moment. God removed all that was on my mind that was redundant. And one thing there was left, one thought - keep moving. Yes, simple as that - keep moving. God wants you to keep moving and stop thinking about your past mistakes but to do better next time. No time for blame game. Just do better, make a plan to do better.

Again, I stopped by Whole Foods and an urge came over me to have a beer. After some hesitation, I got one. The price after tax was $4.44. Then I got two slices of pizza and the total came to $6.66. I take it. Thanks for the reminder.

There is so much obsession about these number sequences. Jay Z's song 4:44 made waves and people were trying to figure out the deepest meaning of it. The 666 number is scary enough as it is mentioned in Revelation as the number of Antichrist. There are also other numbers like 777, 333, 111, etc. Do any of these keep you awake at night? Good. Good.

A cashier at the store once told me that he was feeling uncomfortable every time that the total would come up at $6.66 or worse ($66.66). My response to that? Man, yeah, hello, 666 is the digital age, this is the number. This is it. Why on earth I am telling you silly, to turn your lives to Jesus? What is the point of living and waiting for the bust. Embrace it. Live in the know. Yes, it will happen, not on your schedule, but it is in the works. And we are close.

The numbers - all of them - point to God. They point to Jesus (888 is another similar number that pops up often). God is sending you a message. Be it a "wake up call" and a sense of direction like in 444, or late hour workers in 11:11 and enlightenment (=waking up to your true self) like in 111, then trinity like in 333 or completion like in 777 (7th trumpet, 7th seal, etc.) or the notorious 666 - which is the opposite of Christ (anti-Christ) - the materialistic world number.

All these numbers are no more than a signal to turn to God. God exists. He is not going anywhere anytime soon. He is waiting for you, for me, for us to come back to Him. Because He prepared a feast, gifts, all the goodies and He is going to give them away - to you! God is real and He is a giver. Now, the enemy of course, does not want you to claim any of those gifts, any of your inheritance. You should claim it. We are the only ones made in the image of God. We have a Daddy, He is the best, the greatest, the awesome Dad. Let's not play games selling ourselves for cheap.

Tonight I am staying up all night and early in the morning I am going to catch up with John and take care of the things I promised to take care of. I am gonna just keep moving. Satan - watch me eat this cake.

God bless you. Jesus bless you. Peace now.

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